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Haiti The Presidential Council appoints Edgard Leblanc president of the Transition and Fritz Belizaire new Prime Minister

  • April 30, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 24

Edgard Leblanc Fils was appointed President of the CPT. Engineer Fritz Bélizaire became the next head of government, replacing the cynical and incompetent Ariel Henry.

Former President of the Senate, Edgard Leblanc Fils, was appointed President of the Presidential Council following a consensus reached between the members represented, announced advisor Frinel Joseph. Preparations for the vote to elect a president have given way to an announcement of renewed understanding.

The Haitian transition council on Tuesday appointed Edgard Leblanc, former president of the Senate, to head the body set up last week to try to restore security in the country plagued by “planned” violence by terrorist gangs.

Leblanc’s appointment follows weeks of political impasse and infighting following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, as armed conflict erupted in the capital, pointing to a difficult road ahead for the council .

The transitional body is composed of seven voting members and two non-voting observers. Mr. Leblanc won the nomination with four favorable votes, including his own, although tensions were perceptible during the ceremony announcing the decision.

The council also appointed Fritz Belizaire, former minister of youth and sports, as prime minister.

Michel Patrick Boisvert, who was finance minister under former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, took over in the interim. The appointment of Mr. Belizaire must be confirmed by a declaration in the Haitian official journal.

It is a symbolic and historical act, explained Advisor Frinel Joseph, observer member within the Presidential Council. Former electoral advisor Frinel Joseph took the opportunity to announce the choice of former Minister of Sports, Fritz Bélizaire as new Prime Minister. However, two representatives on the Presidential Council did not approve the latest decisions, Frinel Joseph clarified.

The council was also tasked with appointing a cabinet, co-signing ordinances and establishing a provisional electoral council that will be responsible for paving the way for Haiti’s first elections since 2016.

According to the Haitian constitution, the country must elect a new president before February 7, 2026.

After the ceremony, politicians welcomed the outcome found. The former senator Sorel Jacinthe, Tèt Kale 3, the leader of EDE, the former prime minister Tèt Kale 2, Dr Claude Joseph, the leader of Pitit Dessalines, Jean-Charles Moïse all applauded the outcome of the election.