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Haitian passport holders are prohibited from entering the Dominican Republic

  • June 6, 2024
  • 27 Min
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Passengers with a Haitian passport prohibited from entering the Dominican Republic: the Dominican Consulate in Miami provides details

The Dominican Consulate in Miami has provided details regarding the ban on entry into the Dominican Republic for travelers with a Haitian passport. During a call…

December 29, 2020

9 buts et 8 passes décisives pour Corventina lors de sa première saison avec l'Olympique Lyonnais


9 goals and 8 assists for Corventina during his first season with Olympique Lyonnais

Melchie Daëlle Dumornay (Corventina), a rising star at Olympique Lyonnais. For her first season with Olympique Lyonnais, Melchie Daëlle Dumornay, nicknamed Corventina,…

December 29, 2020

Explosion d'un camion-citerne au Carrefour de l'aéroport


Explosion of a tanker truck at the airport Carrefour

A tanker truck carrying diesel exploded at the airport Carrefour. In the middle of the day on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, a tanker truck carrying…

December 29, 2020

Météo: Risque de pluies et de vents sur plusieurs départements d'Haïti

Weather report

The passage of a Tropical Wave over Hispaniola could generate rainy activities in the country

The probable passage of a Tropical Wave over Hispaniola and a low pressure center could generate rainy activities in the country. According to the Unit…

December 29, 2020

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En République dominicaine, des individus ont braqué une banque et volé des valises remplies d'argentEn République dominicaine, des individus ont braqué une banque et volé des valises remplies d'argent


In the Dominican Republic, individuals robbed a bank and stole suitcases full of money

An investigation is underway to find the culprits following an armed robbery at the Banco Popular in the Dominican Republic. Branch…

December 29, 2020

Recent News

Tenue d'un déjeuner de travail entre le PM Garry Conille et les représentants des pays amis d’Haïti


Holding of a working lunch between PM Garry Conille and representatives of countries friendly to Haiti

A working lunch took place between Prime Minister Garry Conille and representatives of countries friendly to Haiti. A working lunch…

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The reference rate calculated by the BRH for this Thursday, June 6, 2024

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4 hours ago

10 juillet 2005 : kidnapping du journaliste Jacques Roche10 juillet 2005 : kidnapping du journaliste Jacques Roche


June 6, 1924: Louis Borno promulgates the law creating the General Administration of Contributions, future DGI

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresh of…

6 hours ago

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Insecurity: UEH students call on the authorities to assume their responsibilities

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Regular session of the OAS Permanent Council: Haiti calls for international solidarity

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6 p.m. ago

BRH le taux de référenceBRH le taux de référence


The reference rate calculated by the BRH for this Wednesday, June 5, 2024

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1 jour ago


Hommage posthume : le Sénat français décore Mikaben pour sa contribution à la culture haïtienneHommage posthume : le Sénat français décore Mikaben pour sa contribution à la culture haïtienne


Posthumous tribute: the French Senate decorates Mikaben for his contribution to Haitian culture

Posthumous tribute: the French Senate decorates the artist Michaël Benjamin known as Mikaben for his contribution to Haitian culture The Embassy of Haiti in France in…

December 29, 2020


Barbancourt sort de son silence au sujet d'une prétendue vente illégale de bouteilles de rhum 3 étoiles


Barbancourt breaks his silence on the subject of an alleged illegal sale of bottles of 3-star rum

The Barbancourt company breaks its silence regarding an alleged illegal sale of bottles of Barbancourt 3-star rum. The Barbancourt company is finally coming out of…

December 29, 2020

Marc-Henry Jean, un jeune entrepreneur au service de la diaspora haïtienne aux États-UnisMarc-Henry Jean, un jeune entrepreneur au service de la diaspora haïtienne aux États-Unis


Marc-Henry Jean, a young entrepreneur serving the Haitian diaspora in the United States

Marc-Henry Jean, a young entrepreneur who serves the Haitian community in the United States. Thanks to his company Providence Financial Services, the…

December 29, 2020

L'AVD Embouteillage S.A est une filiale à part entière du groupe Barbancourt, annonce l'entrepriseL'AVD Embouteillage S.A est une filiale à part entière du groupe Barbancourt, annonce l'entreprise


AVD Embouteillage SA is a fully-owned subsidiary of the Barbancourt group, announces the company

AVD Embouteillage SA is a fully-owned subsidiary of the Barbancourt group, the company announces via a press release. The Barbancourt group via a press release…

December 29, 2020

Le nouveau Rhum Barbancourt blanc a gagné la médaille d'or 2023Le nouveau Rhum Barbancourt blanc a gagné la médaille d'or 2023


The new Barbancourt white rum won the 2023 gold medal

The new Barbancourt Haitian Proof rum won the gold medal in the prestigious international Beverage Testing Institute competition. The new Barbancourt “Haitian Proof” rum…

December 29, 2020


In the world

Le président du Kenya promet que la force multinationale écrasera les gangs armés en Haïti


Kenyan President Vows Multinational Force Will Crush Haiti’s Armed Gangs

During a visit to the United States, Kenyan President William Ruto promises that the multinational force will crush armed gangs in Haiti During…

December 29, 2020

Le président iranien, Ebrahim Raïssi décédé dans un accident d’hélicoptèreLe président iranien, Ebrahim Raïssi décédé dans un accident d’hélicoptère


Iranian President Ebrahim Raïssi dies in helicopter crash

After hours of searching, Iranian President Ebrahim Raïssi was found dead in a helicopter accident Fifteen hours after his sudden landing in a region…

December 29, 2020

Le président de l'Iran, Ebrahim Raïssi porté disparu dans un accident d’hélicoptèreLe président de l'Iran, Ebrahim Raïssi porté disparu dans un accident d’hélicoptère


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi missing in helicopter accident time

After a helicopter accident, the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raïssi is missing, and the search continues The convoy of Iranian President, Ebrahim…

December 29, 2020

Donald Trump menacé de prison pour outrageDonald Trump menacé de prison pour outrage


Donald Trump threatened with prison for contempt

As part of his criminal trial, former US President Donald Trump is threatened with prison for contempt Donald Trump has once again received…

December 29, 2020



Faire l'amour trois fois par semaine rend les femmes plus belles et plus jeunes que leur âge biologique

News in Creole

The Lavalas family asks the presidential council to publish in Le Moniteur the resolution that specifies the majority is 5 out of 7

The Lavalas Family political organization requests that the presidential council publish in the newspaper “Le Moniteur”, the resolution specifying the majority is 5 out of 7….

December 29, 2020

LANSE-Haïti di l ap kontinye suiv pwosesis deziyasyon premye minis lan jis li rive nan bout liLANSE-Haïti di l ap kontinye suiv pwosesis deziyasyon premye minis lan jis li rive nan bout li

News in Creole

LANSE-Haïti says it will continue to follow the process of appointing the prime minister until it reaches its end

The LANSE-Haiti organization says it will follow the process of choosing a prime minister to lead the transition until it reaches its end. It is…

December 29, 2020

Popilasyon Mibalè a touye 3 prezime manm gang apre lapolis te fin arete yoPopilasyon Mibalè a touye 3 prezime manm gang apre lapolis te fin arete yo

News in Creole

The population of Mibaler killed 3 suspected gang members after the police arrested them

On Monday, May 20, 2024, the population of Mibalë killed 3 suspected gang members after the police arrested them. On Monday, May 20…

December 29, 2020

Biwo Suivi Akò Montana denonse kont maltaye ki fèt pou mete Edgard Leblanc Fils nan tèt konsèy prezidansyèl laBiwo Suivi Akò Montana denonse kont maltaye ki fèt pou mete Edgard Leblanc Fils nan tèt konsèy prezidansyèl la

News in Creole

The Montana Agreement Monitoring Office denounces the Maltese conspiracy to put Edgard Leblanc Fils at the head of the presidential council

The Montana Agreement Monitoring Office (BSA) says that it is a Maltese account of a coalition of 4 sectors in the Presidential Council to put Edgard Leblanc…

December 29, 2020

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News in Creole

Ti Yuri apologizes after the law firm Bedjine and K-dilak sued him for the lies he gave about the artists

Little Youri ran to apologize after the law firm Bedjine and K-dilak gave him an ultimatum to deny what he was saying about…

December 29, 2020

News in Creole

Armed gang took a SNGRS truck in Douya area

The armed gangs failed to identify and took a SNGRS truck in Douya area. The Directorate of Communications of the National Solid Waste Management Service (SNGRS) announces that gangs…

December 29, 2020


June 5, 1862: the United States recognizes the independence of Haiti

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresh…

1 jour ago

Afin de promouvoir une culture du secourisme en Haïti, KSPS a organisé une formation pour de nombreux jeunesAfin de promouvoir une culture du secourisme en Haïti, KSPS a organisé une formation pour de nombreux jeunes


In order to promote a culture of first aid in Haiti, KSPS organized training for many young people

KSPS first aid training for around twenty young people to strengthen community resilience in Haiti. With the support of the Foundation…

2 days ago

Football : Webens Prinsimé, dit Itala, l'haïtien qui tente d'écrire l'histoire dans le championnat dominicainFootball : Webens Prinsimé, dit Itala, l'haïtien qui tente d'écrire l'histoire dans le championnat dominicain


Football: Webens Prinsimé, known as Itala, the Haitian who is trying to write history in the Dominican championship

Football: Webens Prinsimé, known as Itala, the Haitian who is trying to write history in the Liga Dominicana de Fútbol. Webens Prinsimé known as Itala, the Haitian coach,…

2 days ago

Incas Productions: former pour survivre aux catastrophes climatiquesIncas Productions: former pour survivre aux catastrophes climatiques


Incas Productions: training to survive climate disasters

For the 2024 hurricane season, Incas Productions is back with its education, awareness and prevention program for natural disasters and…

2 days ago

4 Juin 1992: ratification de Marc Bazin comme premier ministre par le Sénat de la République4 Juin 1992: ratification de Marc Bazin comme premier ministre par le Sénat de la République


June 4, 1992: ratification of Marc Bazin as prime minister by the Senate of the Republic

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresh of…

2 days ago

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