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Hati – education: Minister Augustin Antoine meets the DDEs of the Far North

  • June 30, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 4

Haiti – Education: Minister Augustin Antoine meets with the DDEs of the Grand Nord
30/06/2024 09:11:28

Friday, June 28, 2024, Augustin Antoine, the Minister of National Education, held a meeting in Vaudreuil with the Departmental Directors of Education (DDE) of the North, North-West, North-East, Center and Artibonite…

Friday, June 28, 2024, Augustin Antoine, the Minister of National Education, held a meeting in Vaudreuil, not far from Cap-Haïtien, with the Departmental Directors of Education (DDE) of the North, North-West, North-East, Center and Artibonite, who were accompanied by several of their deputies and executives.

During this meeting, Minister Augustin Antoine presented the main orientations of the Ministry in accordance with the Government’s roadmap. But, beyond these strategic framing elements, the Minister focused mainly on the organization of state exams and preparations for the next school year.

For the first point, he reminded the Directors of the need to finalize the candidate registration process, as well as the examination budget. Other interventions were devoted to the logistics of the official examinations, personnel management (centre managers, supervisors, correctors) and the protocol for correcting copies.

On each aspect of this large-scale operation, the departmental directors detailed what has been done and what remains to be done in order to guarantee the smooth running of these examinations while requesting more substantial financial support from the Ministry.

As for the next school year, Augustin asked the DDEs to submit as quickly as possible to the General Directorate of the Ministry via the Coordination Unit of departmental education directorates, a report on the operating state of municipal, national and high schools for better planning for the start of the school year.

“By mutual agreement, as the main actors in the governance of this sector, we have agreed to work tirelessly to make public schools references […] We must restore the authority of the school […] ” declared the Minister, evoking the duty of every Haitian to spare the school from crises which seriously affect the teaching-learning process.

After the DDEs of the Great North, Minister Antoine Augustin intends to meet, shortly, the DDEs of the Great South.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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