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Hati – FLASH: Peace Missionary Warrior Barbecue! (Video)

  • July 8, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 6

Haiti – FLASH: “Barbecue” from warrior to emissary of Peace! (Video)
08/07/2024 06:55:46

Friday, July 5, 2024, former police officer Jimmy Cherisier, alias “Barbecue”, Head of the gang coalition “G9 an Fanmi e Alye” and Spokesperson for “Vivre ensemble” alliance of the 2 most powerful gang coalitions in the country “Gpèp” and “G9”, staged himself on video, in the role of a character “with a serious and calm appearance”, dressed in a burgundy suit with a white turtleneck and wearing glasses, presenting himself as the Spokesperson for dialogue and Peace…

A “surprising” video compared to the one a few days earlier where “Barbecue” played the role of a warlord in combat gear and armed to the teeth…

In this new “surreal” or “Barbecue” video, which aims to project the image of someone “respectable” rather than that of a lawless gang leader, he states in a written speech, which he reads:

« […] We have decided to publicly announce that our strategy of laying down arms to facilitate national dialogue and promote peace is already written in black and white on our agenda. […] »

« […] We are willing to appoint a credible and consistent Haitian citizen in the diaspora to facilitate dialogue in order to put an end to this mafia war and facilitate the path to Peace in the country” denouncing ” […] the political and economic mafia that is holding the country hostage.”

« […] We want peace because we want to destroy war. We want dialogue because we want peace.”

« […] “It is only through national dialogue that the Haitian state will be able to regain control of the country’s territories, as required by the Constitution”…

On Saturday, July 8, back in the country, Prime Minister Conille warned that the gangs have no choice but to lay down their arms and submit to the authority of the State, promising that the victims will obtain justice and reparations

Regarding his statement of June 25, 2024, calling on gangs to lay down their arms before any other provision, Conille specified: “Armed gangs have a very limited time to lay down their arms.” […] The state will not wait indefinitely […] Dialogue will only be considered when the bandits have laid down their arms and recognised the authority of the State.”

“Peace and Dialogue” Speech from “Barbecue”

“Barbecue”‘s bellicose speech preparing for battle:

SL/ HaitiLibre

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Francois P.
Posted on 07/08/2024 11:12:17
Barbecue is afraid.. he knows that he will not defeat the multinational force what he wants is to negotiate amnesty and save his skin. Let him lay down his weapons and put himself at the disposal of justice and answer for his crimes if that is a possible thing in our country…
Posted on 07/08/2024 10:47:41
In my opinion, I believe that Barbecue has set a good example and we wish to see other gang leaders follow Barbecue’s examples seriously for a better Haiti, love and peace for Haiti and the Diaspora.
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