Verified on 03/23/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Rich in nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals, eggs are excellent for your health. You still have to choose them correctly. Doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains everything to us.

Eggs to take care of your cardiovascular health

Athletes know it well: eggs are an asset in the diet. They are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. They also contain many nutrients that allow you to be healthy, thus, they are beneficial because:

  • They provide all the nutrients the body needs;
  • They improve cardiovascular health thanks to their richness in betaine and cholinetwo nutrients perfect for the heart;
  • They are perfect for eye health;
  • They help manage your weight. Eggs are rich in protein and therefore have a satiating effect.

Eggs have many benefits for your health. As long as you know how to choose them correctly.

Pay attention to the letters and numbers on the eggs

To benefit from all these benefits, it is important to choose your eggs carefully.

According to Jimmy Mohamed, doctor and columnist on RTL, it is necessary:

  • Look at the letter written on the egg. The first two letters correspond to the country of origin: FR for France, UK for United Kingdom, PL for Poland, etc. The doctor recommends choosing French eggs;
  • Read the number written on the shell. The latter indicates the breeding mode which can go from 0 to 3. The 0 indicates organic eggs where the chickens have access to an outdoor and indoor run. 1 corresponds to an outdoor breeding where the hens can go outside during the day. Code 2 corresponds to a floor farm where the hens live in a room without outside, without daylight. In this case, there are nine hens per square meter. Code 3 corresponds to hens raised in cages, without daylight. There are sixteen hens per square meter here.

The doctor advises choosing chicken eggs with code 0 or 1. According to him, “if the hen is mistreated, the egg will be of poor quality”. The ideal is not to rely on the packaging but rather take the time to open the box and check the annotations printed on the shell.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

March 23, 2024, at 12:10 p.m.

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