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Indonesia: a woman swallowed by a 5 meter python

  • June 8, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 24

Tragedy in Indonesia: a woman swallowed by a 5 meter reticulated python.

A 45-year-old mother, missing since Thursday evening, was found dead in the belly of a five-meter-long reticulated python in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, several foreign media reported. The snake was discovered by Kalempang villagers, led by the victim’s husband.

Farida, mother of four children, had not given any sign of life since the day before. Worried, village residents began searching the area. According to Suardi Rosi, the village chief, they quickly noticed a python with an abnormally swollen belly. When they opened the reptile’s stomach, they found Farida, still clothed.

These incidents, although rare, are not unprecedented in Indonesia. The previous year, a farmer was killed by an eight-meter python in Tinanggea district. In 2018, a 54-year-old woman suffered the same fate in the town of Muna, swallowed by a seven-meter python. In 2017, a farmer in West Sulawesi was devoured by a four-meter python.

These tragedies highlight the dangers posed by reticulated pythons, particularly in rural areas of theIndonesiawhere interactions between humans and these giant snakes can unfortunately turn into tragedy.

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