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June 9, 1997: resignation of Prime Minister Rosny Smarth

  • June 9, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 14

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

It is Sunday June 9, 2024

June 9, 1997: resignation of the prime minister Rosny Smarth. This resignation plunged the country into a political crisis, and for 21 months, Haiti lived without a head of government.

June 9, 2019 : an anti-corruption demonstration in Port-au-Prince leaves one dead. Other people were also injured during the day.

June 9, 2012 : four people died and around fifty injured in a traffic accident in Cap-Haïtien. The bus which was carrying more than 70 people and which was to return to Port-au-Prince overturned when it had barely left the station.

June 9, 2006 : Chilean President Michelle Bachelet is making a 24-hour visit to Haiti. Discussions with the Head of State of Chile focused on a redefinition of the mandate of the UN forces in Haiti and a strengthening of cooperation relations between the two countries.

June 9, 1948 : death of Haitian painter Hector Hyppolite, at the age of 53. A native of Saint-Marc, Hector Hyppolite is the most recognized and admired Haitian painter. His work has also greatly contributed to making Haitian painting famous on an international scale. The Haitian government declared the year 2008 “Hector Hyppolite Year”, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of his death.

June 9, 1799 : André Rigaud, in his offensive to eliminate Toussaint Louverture, seizes Petit-Goâve. It was then the beginning of a civil war initiated by the mulatto André Rigaud who allowed himself to be trapped by Gabriël d’Hédouville who, to get rid of the indigenous chiefs, adopted the principle of “divide and rule”. This civil war ended a year later with the defeat of Rigaud who abandoned the island to take refuge in France.

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