
Modern Football: A Game of Surprises and Uncertainties, the case of Haiti is at odds!

Football has always been an unpredictable sport, but in recent years it seems that this unpredictability has become the norm. It is now clear that at any time, any national team can beat any other, regardless of their record or the quality of their players. The recent victories of Switzerland against Italy and Georgia against Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portugal are striking examples of this. With scores of 2-0 respectively, these results shocked football fans around the world and perfectly illustrated the uncertainty that reigns in the sport.

The Evolution of International Football

Historically, certain national teams dominated the international scene, accumulating titles and victories without much resistance. However, this trend has evolved. The so-called “minor” teams have started to invest in the development of their infrastructure, the training of their young talents and the adoption of modern training techniques. This increase in skill leveled out the differences in performance and gave rise to surprises on the pitch.

The Case of Haiti: Hope and Reality

Faced with this global dynamic, can we hope for a miracle for Haitian football? The situation is complex. Haiti has immense potential with a youth passionate about sport and a history rich in individual talents. However, the challenges are numerous. Coaches often lack adequate training, and institutional support is insufficient. The current technical director, Chéry Pierre, although educated, seems far removed from the specific realities of football.

To transform Haitian football, structural reform is necessary. We must invest in the training of coaches, develop programs for detecting and training young talents, and modernize infrastructure. It is also crucial to have a long-term strategic vision, supported by competent management with a passion for the sport.

The path to follow

The example of Georgia shows that even small nations can challenge the giants of world football with the right strategy and management. For Haiti, this could mean seeking international partnerships, leveraging diaspora talent, and drawing on international best practices.

In conclusion, football is a sport where anything can happen, and miracles are not reserved for big teams. With collective will and concerted efforts, Haiti could one day surprise the world of football. To achieve this, however, you need a clear vision, enlightened management, and an unwavering passion for the beautiful game.