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Moral dilemma surrounding the right to vote within the Presidential Council

  • March 25, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 34

par Patrick Prezeau Stephenson


The position expressed by a member of Haiti’s presidential council captures the essence of the moral and practical dilemmas faced by those called to serve in such a body in times of crisis. This board member made it clear that playing the role of a helpless observer in a context of crucial decisions was not acceptable to him. He stressed the importance of being able to actively influence the course of events, insisting that with the right to vote, it could contribute significantly to directing decisions towards what is in the best interest of the population, of the economy, and the entire country.

Ethical considerations

His decision not to accept a role without real influence stems from deep ethical consideration, illustrating the need to have a direct impact on policies that directly affect the lives of Haitians. The reality that lack of action, or simple observation of events, could lead to situations where board members find themselves in the position of passive witnesses to injustices or failures, with no way to intervene. This could not only aggravate the feeling of frustration but also create a dissociation between the responsibilities entrusted and the inability to meet the expectations of the population.

Active and responsible participation

In taking such a position, this board member emphasizes the importance of active and responsible participation in decision-making, recognizing the risks and challenges inherent in this responsibility in such tumultuous times. He clearly articulates that the potential association with the failures of the council, in the case of a passive role, would not only be personally unbearable but also morally unacceptable, given the magnitude of the suffering experienced by the Haitian population.


This highlights the conviction that the capacity for action and decision-making is fundamental for any member of a governance body, especially in a context where the issues are of capital importance for the future of the country. This is a perspective that should be at the heart of reflections on the composition and functions of any governance body in times of crisis, emphasizing the need for commitment, responsibility and active stance-taking to the well-being of the country and its citizens.

Media Contact Patrick Prézeau Stephenson: Editor [email protected]

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