
Negligence and Inaction of the Haitian State towards our sports ambassadors

Sport has always been a powerful vector of social cohesion, inspiration and change. Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, put it beautifully when he said: « Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people like few other means do. » However, in Haiti, athletes struggle to exercise this power due to multiple bureaucratic and political obstacles. This article examines the difficulties Haitian athletes face, including obstacles in obtaining visas for international competitions, and criticizes the inaction and political corruption that cause them.

The Challenges of Haitian Athletes

Concrete cases of Visa problems are often revealed. A year ago, Haiti’s U15 women’s team missed an important competition in the United States due to lack of visas. More recently, players of the senior squad for the 2023 World Cup, who were due to play two friendlies in Ecuador, were also prevented from playing for the same reason. In addition, the U17 team players encountered great difficulties traveling to a competition in Guatemala. These recurring incidents illustrate a systematic and persistent problem.

The Effects of International Isolation

While Caribbean nations can travel relatively easily, Haitians themselves face immense bureaucratic obstacles. This situation not only discredits the country, but also prevents athletes from competing at higher competitive levels and representing their nation with dignity. This leads to a loss of motivation and recognition for talented athletes who could serve as models and sources of inspiration for Haitian youth.

Corruption of Politicians and their Lack of Leadership

The Inaction of Haitian Politicians, often described as useless and insignificant. They strut around the world on diplomatic passports, while the country’s true ambassadors – the athletes – are neglected. This disparity highlights the ineffectiveness and selfishness of the political class, which prefers to enrich its own members rather than support those who can truly bring pride and prestige to Haiti.

The Need for Comprehensive Reform

It is imperative that Haiti finds a leader with character, capable of making courageous decisions for the good of the sport. A global revolution in sport and politics is necessary to reverse the current trend. Haitian athletes who succeed abroad demonstrate the country’s untapped potential. If these talents were properly supported and promoted, Haiti could rise to the rank of respected nations on the international sporting scene.

The Role of the Bourgeoisie and the Private Business Sector in local sport. The Indifference of the Bourgeoisie in Haiti is glaring._

The Haitian bourgeoisie, often criticized for its lack of decency, does not sponsor sports teams. Their priority is to accumulate wealth amidst garbage, neglecting their social responsibility and the development of the country. A well-designed sports policy would require the financial and logistical support of this class to be effective.

Examples of Success Abroad

Haitian athletes and politicians who compete abroad are succeeding brilliantly, proving that the potential exists. So why stop them from doing it for Haiti? The answer lies in the corruption and lack of vision of those in power. It is crucial to isolate all the thugs who prevent Haiti from moving forward, not only in sport, but in all spheres of society.

Sports in Haiti are at a critical crossroads. Haitian athletes, true ambassadors of the nation, are hampered by bureaucratic obstacles and a lack of political support. Meanwhile, corrupt and insignificant politicians continue to enjoy undeserved privileges. For Haiti to fully harness the power of sport, a comprehensive reform and revolution in sport and politics is necessary. Haitian athletes deserve respect and support, and it is time for the country’s leaders to make courageous decisions for the good of the nation.