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Nenel Cassy asks the government to take measures to restore security on the national territory

  • July 15, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 2

Former senator Nenel Cassy calls on the government to take drastic measures to quickly restore security across the entire national territory.

Through a press release published this Sunday, July 14, 2024 by his communications office, the former senator of Nippes, Nenel Cassy strongly condemns the criminal activities that have been rampant in the country for nearly five years. In this sense, he asks the government in place to take measures to quickly restore security throughout the national territory.

While reaffirming her commitment to support all efforts to restore order and security, Nenel Cassy stressed that it is crucial that this struggle not be politicized. “The moment demands unity and putting aside our differences for the good of our nation. I assure the population, especially my supporters, that I will not participate in sterile and useless debates that would only benefit the criminals terrorizing our families,” the statement read.

The former parliamentarian clarified that his silence and his withdrawal are an attempt to ease tensions and his fight for fundamental values ​​such as the fight against corruption and impunity, national sovereignty, the holding of a national conference and the restoration of security, but this behavior has earned him many enemies, the statement said.

“Currently, I am not involved in the sharing of power or responsibilities, particularly in Ministry of Justice and Public Safety. Let that be clear to everyone!” he stressed.

Nenel Cassy demande au gouvernement de prendre des mesures pour rétablir la sécurité sur le territoire national

Photo: Ody Bien-Eugène | Juno7

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