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Nesmy Manigat and Camille Edouard Junior join the Garry Conille Government

  • June 14, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 10

This is now official information! The Prime Minister, Garry Conille, has indeed chosen the former holder of the Ministry of National Education and Professional Training, Nesmy Manigat, as his Chief of Staff with the rank of Minister. Also, the 58-year-old doctor has set his sights on Camille Edouard Junior, who is now Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Despite the harsh criticism aimed at Nesmy Manigat, whose long management at the Ministry of National Education is considered “catastrophic”, Mr. Conille chose the latter.

Indeed, the decree confirming the appointment of Mr. Manigat and that of the former Minister of Justice Camille Edouard Junior to the post of Secretary General of the with the rank of Minister, was published in the official newspaper Le Moniteur this Friday 14 June 2024.

Already on social networks and in conventional media, the choice of Nesmy Manigat, who has done nothing for the education system, is sparking negative comments aimed at Prime Minister Garry Conille.

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