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Open letter Mr. Garry Conille, United States Colonial Administrator for Haiti

  • June 26, 2024
  • 18 Min
  • 5
Prime Minister Garry Conille, United States Colonial Administrator for Haiti

MMr. Conille,

I do not know you personally, and I am not even sure that I am writing your name correctly. However, I hope that the history of my country will forgive me for my lack of interest in your values, if you have any, and will only remember the intellectual effort that I have made, and this, in all sincerity, to properly understand and articulate the title that best corresponds to the origins of your powers and the responsibilities that are conferred upon you.

Since your triumphant entry into Port-au-Prince to implement the US colonial plan throughout the national territory, the local thugs who serve this inhuman system, particularly in the trash media, have been giving you all sorts of titles: doctor, prime minister, doctor-prime minister or prime minister-doctor. This is not surprising, because unfortunately Haiti has become a country where “all voum se do”. A country where some Negroes do not hesitate to sell other Negroes (by the tens of thousands, even millions) for a visa or simply to be offered a job. Sometimes, they do it simply to attract the sympathy of a very unsympathetic colonial master. But no matter their price, we note today with even more bitterness that the Haitian Negro is no longer worth the ” head of a negro” as it was when it was traded on the European slave market as a commodity.

If the white man could get rich by selling Negroes for more than three hundred years, the Haitian Negro today exchanges them for high-sounding titles (minister, prime minister, director general, etc.) awarded by foreign embassies. His heritage, the country of his ancestors, is sold and delivered to the buyer, and you are only there because of the truth of this argument. It is the reign of poverty, delinquency and mediocrity. However, I tell you from the outset that it will not happen that way. The independence of this country was acquired at the cost of the blood of more than 150,000 valiant soldiers of African descent. These are not unscrupulous fools – with a tie or barefoot with an AK47 – who will come and spit in their blood.

I think you take all Haitians for imbeciles

As you can clearly detect in the insolence of my language and the freedom with which the words I choose to express my thoughts are imbued, I was born and raised in the Great Christophian North; but better still, I firmly believe in the ideal of Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines for my country and for my people. Without the slightest pretension to claim the heritage of most of the great heroes of this Christophian Great North, such as Cappoix-La-Mort or King Henry himself, I am one of those Haitians whose integrity and thirst for freedom are part of the original ambitions of the founding fathers of this nation to which you owe your own freedom – if you will ever be free. These values, for your information, Mr. Conille, are written in golden letters with the blood of my ancestors in the Birth Certificate of this Nation. They are worth more than the entire monetary mass of the countries that pull the strings to put into action you and all the other mercenaries who work in symbiosis with the gangster-terrorists who are destroying the country to advance the colonial project.

The colonial presidential council of shame

As with all people who fight for dignity – a little dignity – the Haitian people, at least the people of the Great Christophian North in whose name I am writing to you, aspire to a country where the leaders are chosen by the people on the basis of basis of their integrity, rather than a space controlled by terrorists where shameless individuals are imposed as leaders by colonial powers on the sole basis of their baseness. From this point of view, I can tell you bluntly, dear Mr. Conille, that my historical and cultural heritage places me in a situation that makes me look like cockroaches at all those who collaborate in the Western colonial project to drown out the sacrifice of my ancestors. in the ocean of shame, and keep the Haitian people in filth for a few handfuls of dollars.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this correspondence, I do not know you, and unfortunately, because of your acquaintances, you do not inspire in me the slightest curiosity to seek to learn more about you (tell me who you associate with, and I will tell you who you are). However, if I allow myself to speak of your title of doctor, I believe that my country, unfortunately, perhaps has too many of them – at least in your “field of specialization”. They have already occupied all the functions ” of prestige ” of the country, ranging from president to consul, including prime minister and ambassador. The results they obtain are unequivocal, and bear witness, without any surprise, to this singularity which, sadly, has characterized my country for too long. It is nevertheless impossible to know if this obsession with enslavement is a consequence of the scars of slavery or if the price of our “intellectuals” rivals that of the gangster-terrorists who massacre the population and destroy all the country’s infrastructures under orders from the secret services of foreign countries.

So, while I salute the academic efforts that have earned you such a title, I am hardly impressed by the intellectual capacity that is often associated with it. Because, you see Mr. Conille, an intellectual is someone who pushes his curiosity to understand the problems facing the community in order to propose solutions likely to change things for the better. I hope that you will not take this personal, because if you call yourself a witness, you will admit that far from providing any solution to the Haitian problem, you are enslaving the country by taking your orders from the very people who created the problem. Indeed, for a good thirty years, the United States has assumed the right to appoint and dismiss leaders in my country, and this should not be too complex for a doctor to understand.

Garry Conille and Bill Clinton

For a few weeks now, I have learned in the news that your priority, as well as that of the other rascals who work in symbiosis with the terrorist leaders who sow terror in the country to advance the colonial project, would be the adoption of a new constitution. I believe that you take all Haitians for fools, because no person with common sense could understand this obsession with adopting a new constitution in a country where the only law that is effectively applied is that imposed by the terrorists. Perhaps, would you like to create a new constitution to enshrine their rights? Otherwise, how do you explain that the priority of a colonial administration, in a country controlled 40-50% by terrorists working under the control of foreign secret services, is a new constitution? Where are you going to apply it? Are you able to enforce a single one of the existing laws on the national territory?

For the record, I must specify that long before the colonial constitutional project carried by Jovenel Moïse (fear to his soul), I myself had, in my book entitled Haiti: Caverne de charlatans, published in 2017, pleaded in favor of the adoption of a new constitution in Haiti. This proposal aimed, on the contrary, to present a constitutional project to the Haitian people with the perspective of getting rid of the colonial enslavement encouraged by the current constitution which provides for new elections every year, even if it is the colonial powers who decide the results through their embassies. As part of this same proposal, I also made it an essential condition that there be a revolution in the country. A revolution that would put into forced retirement all people like you who are manipulated by these colonial powers with a slave-oriented vocation to keep Haitians in misery.

Garry Conille et Hillary Clinton

Imagine, Mr. Conille, that under this new constitution, people like you and your acolytes of this colonial presidential council of shame would be hanged until death for high treason. So, after sharing this information with you, do you believe that the colonial mission is still possible? You are surely saying to yourself that the secret services of the countries which give you this mission will be able to play their part to help you achieve your objective. But, would you be ready to grant yourself another title of villain in the history of Haiti, by proposing a colonial constitution which obliges the different regions of the country, where honest men and women still live, to separate from a vassalized country whose parent law would be an elaborate version of the internal regulations of the CIA?

Indeed, I want to tell you that the unity of my country is very important to me, and I will spare no effort to keep it intact. However, if there are vagabonds who control political power in Port-au-Prince – whether they are from the West, the South or even the North – and who want to maintain themselves in servitude to the point of transforming Dessalines’ land into a political dumping ground for the imperialist powers, we will remain faithful to the ideal of our ancestors. For this reason, if we must re-establish the borders of the former Northern Kingdom to rehabilitate our ancestors, we will do so without hesitation, and we will re-establish law and order in this part of the country. Once again, I say it for the record that I am not in favor of the balkanization of my country – which could also be part of the imperialist project – and I will fight tooth and nail to ensure that we do not get to that point. However, if at the end of the day, this is the only option we have left to maintain our dignity and continue to honor the sacrifice of our ancestors, then we will have no choice but to separate. It will then be up to the honest people of the Great South to do their part to take back their country and isolate the political trash and terrorist gangsters placed by the imperialist powers in Port-au-Prince to bring the entire country to its knees. Enough is enough!

Hoping that the message is as clear as the messenger, please accept, Mr. Conille, the expression of my courtesy.

Wilner Predelus, PhD

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Wilner Predelus PhD