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The Indissoluble Majority Bloc is not dead, it will occupy the presidency of the CPT for 16 months and will try again to place their man at the head of the Prime Minister

  • May 11, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 24

The “Indissoluble Majority Bloc” is not dead, it will occupy the presidency of the CPT for 16 months and will once again try to place their man at the head of the Prime Minister’s Office

Ex-Senator Edgard Leblanc Fils, former Ambassador Smith Augustin and Ex-Senator Gérald Gilles have not renounced the formal commitments made in the document initialed on April 29, 2024 constituting a majority bloc within the Presidential Council of Transition (CPT) together with a fourth member of the said Council, Mr. Vestilaire Emmanuel.

According to the CPT’s resolution of May 7, 2024 relating to the making of major decisions, they will occupy the presidency of the CPT for 16 months out of the 21 provided for in the Council’s mandate.
The representative of the “Fanmi Lavalas” party, Leslie Voltaire, for five months, will be the only one to interrupt the reign of the “Indissoluble Majority Bloc” at the Presidency of the CPT.
The irony in all this, the initiator of this rotating presidency within the Council, Fritz Alphonse Jean, who also wanted to “rotate the Presidency”, had to voluntarily abandon his project at the last moment in favor of one of the four members of the BMI.

So, if the representative of the Montana Accord, Fritz Alphonse Jean, wanted with this idea of ​​a Rotating Presidency, to counterbalance the BMI project which believed to be carrying a political vision and had designated the citizen Edgard Leblanc Fils, as their sole candidate as President of the Transitional Presidential Council, he must realize that he has failed.
At this level the BMI emerged strengthened and winning. As proof, it is Dr Louis Gerald Gilles, of PHTK-Tèt Kale 3 and SDP-Fusion allies, who will take the lead of the group during the next general elections in 2025 and who above all will initial the results on behalf of the Council.

In terms of choosing the next head of the Prime Minister’s Office, the decision of the Council to set a qualified majority of its members, i.e. five (5) Councilors out of the seven (7) voting Councilors for making major decisions (another idea from the representative of the Montana Agreement, could prove insufficient to block the BMI in its plan to place its man, Frite Belizaire or any other servant of the bloc, at the head of the Prime Minister’s office.

Indeed, it is very likely that the Bloc will seek to control the Commission which will be responsible for analyzing the files of the candidates for the position of Prime Minister in order to ensure that its recommendations are favorable to their foes in preparation for a final decision. .

In short, the representatives of Fanmi Lavalas and the Montana Accord believed they could escape a hold-up by the BMI and its allies on the CPT with the latest resolution, but it will undoubtedly be quite difficult to counter this BMI stratagem which aims to prolong the reign of the PHTK regime – through its four representatives and the CPT – within the framework of fraudulent elections.

Celimène Fratus