The National Council of Haitian Civil Society (CNSCA) is advocating for the establishment of the Government Action Control Body (OCAG). This structure made this express request to the President of the Council, Edgard Leblanc Fils, through a correspondence it addressed to him on June 18, 2024.

In this letter, the CNSCA welcomed the progress recorded within the framework of the agreement of April 3, 2024 which resulted in the formation of the Government in what it said was a reasonable time. In this same vein, this structure calls on the coordinator of the Presidential Council to form the OCAG, the body provided for by the said agreement.

“The CNSCA draws the attention of the CPT to the urgency of forming the OCAG provided for in Articles 9 and 10 of the agreement. The mission and responsibilities of the OCAG are clearly defined in articles 22, 23 and 24 of the said agreement”, we can read in the correspondence reminding the CPT that two of the three bodies provided for by the agreement have already been put on foot.