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Vireon news of Haiti: Short truck kills a mother of 8 children in Kniyon, in which conditions the multinational security forces will deploy on the territory of Haiti

  • June 23, 2024
  • 16 Min
  • 6

Konyon (Haiti), June 23, 2024 [AlterPresse] — On Saturday afternoon, June 22, 2024, a hailstorm killed a mother of 8 children, who was picking mangoes under a tree. This happened at the time of rain, which was falling on the locality of Lamót Do Bambu, the communal section of the first Plen Selès in Coniyon, the Western department. The rain falls a lot these days on Conion and its communal sections. Every year, hailstorms kill many people in this area of ​​the Lwés department, as well as in the area of ​​the Central Plateau department. This is what a person from Coniyon, who knew the wife, told AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

The Ministry of Environment draws attention to the land situation in Haiti, which has yielded less in recent years. The practice of cutting trees without looking back, the land that is no longer natural, the habit of working in the fields that do not respect a set of principles of land protection and the exaggerated way of looking after animals on the land: these are various bad things that make the land give less yield. This causes the agricultural work to no longer give good results. According to the Ministry of Development of Haiti. In the auditorium of the Henri Christophe Limonad University, North department, these words were spoken in a brainstorming session on Monday, June 17, 2024, which is the world day of fighting to prevent desertification and the fight against drought.

There must be immediate provisions to prevent the spread of tuberculosis on the territory of Haiti, after bandits and guns went to close, at the beginning of March 2024, the Port-au-Prince Sanatorium hospital, which used to charge people with tuberculosis (There must also be provisions to guarantee all other hospitals, such as the general hospital of Port-au-Prince, which was closed due to the terror of gangs and guns, have resumed providing services to the population as required by the 1987 Constitution and other international instruments on the protection of life and health of the entire population. must be considered as a priority the state of health of many displaced people, who are refugees in the reception centers, who are exposed to all kinds of diseases) It is the short cry of the platform of Haitian organizations defending human rights on the health situation in displaced people camps they

In the official exams of July 2024, the 9th grade students will not be included in the courses of civic education, physical education and sports, art and beauty education, education in technology and production activities. It is the decision made by the Ministry of National Education. The turmoil, which prevailed on the national territory, had great consequences throughout the country of Haiti. This caused the schools to not function properly. In addition to the short cry of several school management associations, it is the other reason that pushed the Ministry of National Education to decide to cancel the official State exams in the courses of civic education, physical education and sports, art and beauty education, education in technology and production activities for the month of July 2024. It is one of the first major decisions made by the new national education minister, Augustin Antoine, on June 20, 2024.

Everyone, men and women, has the right to ask for asylum, regardless of where they come from, whenever they feel they need asylum, whenever they are forced to leave their country. People, who are forced to flee their country to other countries, need to find solidarity. When we open the doors of our homes to those who seek asylum, we show solidarity with them. When we consider what the refugees bring to the other countries they go to, we stand in solidarity with them. When we think about all kinds of challenges, the refugees have to face, we show solidarity with them. By creating the conditions for them to return home in good condition, we show our solidarity with them. In this way, we will allow these women and men to rebuild themselves in their communities, and give the countries that welcome them the necessary tools to rid the refugees). This is the message of the United Nations, on the occasion of June 20, which is the international day of solidarity with refugee men.

To have a world where all refugees, men and women, are welcome. It was the theme of World Refugee Day, June 20, 2024.

On Friday, June 21, 2024, at the National Police Academy, a symbolic funeral was held in memory of 3 national policemen. Emelin Fermetus 30th promotion, Peterson Clovis 32nd promotion and Wilkens Jean Junior Piton 31st promotion, gang and guns were murdered on Sunday, June 9, 2024. On Sunday, June 9, 2024, Emelin Fermetus 30th promotion, Peterson Clovis 32nd promotion Wilkens Jean Junior Piton 31st promotion, 3 national policemen who are inside the Unit for a long time fighting against gangs and guns (Itag), died murdered in San Fil, Port-au-Prince. In the attack, the Viv together gun gang wounded another national police officer, seized several guns and cartridges and burned an armored car.

Garry Conille declared that he feels his heart is being torn, at the time he was participating in the symbolic funeral, on Friday, June 21, 2024, in memory of the 3 national policemen, gangs and guns of Viv together who murdered Dèlma 18 on Sunday, June 9, 2024. I bow low, to salute the memory of police officers Peterson Clovis, Wilkens Jean Junior Piton and Emelin Occilien Fermitus. I thank them very much for all the services they have rendered to the nation and the sacrifices they have made for us. I want to tell them and all their families, peace must prevail all over the country. It is the statement of Gary Conille at the symbolic funeral, in memory of 3 Unite policemen for a long time fighting against the gangs and the guns / Itags, at the police academy on Frè’s road, Petyonvil.

Peace and tranquility must prevail everywhere in the country of Haiti. The transitional government will take various urgent measures to curb the gangs and the guns, which are sowing terror on the t[n1] the national heritage. It is the promise again of Garry Conille, after a meeting, on Saturday, June 22, 2024, between the members of the Superior Council of the National Police / Cspn. Conille is the president of the Cspn, where the new general director for a long time of the police, Rameau Normil, participated, after his official installation, on Friday, June 21, 2024.

In his installation ceremony, Friday, June 21, 2024, Rameau Normil promised the national police will dismantle all criminal gangs. The national police will not be there to serve any political camp. The law must deal squarely with the arrogance of all criminal gangs. We are dismantling all criminal gangs. We know the plight of the population under the hands of criminals. Many women and girls are raped. Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes to seek refuge elsewhere. It is the country’s economy that is ruined. Schools, hospitals, universities cannot function. We accept returns, because we know what it’s like. History brings me once again to the head of the police. I have 29 years in the police. I know everything that happens in the police. Bandits must stop murdering, burning policemen as they want. We applaud the authorities’ promise to give the police everything they need to do their job. We will fight to change the working conditions of the police. From now on, let’s start working. It is the promise of the new general director for a long time of the national police, Rameau Normil.

After 2 retirement days, Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June 2024, Garry Conille’s government says it has a clear vision of what it will do to get good results during the transition period.

On Friday, June 21, 2024, Haiti’s representative in the Organization of American States (LOEA) signed a document with the Kenyan ambassador to the United States, which states the conditions under which the multinational security forces will be deployed on the territory of Haiti. This is what Loea’s representative in Haiti, Cristobal Dupouy, said on his X account. This document specifies the behavior of the multinational force on the territory of Haiti. This agreement should allow the multinational force to arrive faster on the territory of Haiti. This is what Cristobal Dupouy writes on his X account.

There is a first group of Kenyan policemen who are supposed to leave this African country on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, to be deployed within the multinational force in Haiti. This is what France 24 media, citing a source close to the Kenyan government, reported.

on June 18, 2024, there was a delegation of national police, from Haiti, who went to discuss with the Kenyan police, in Nairobi (Kenya’s capital), about the preparations being made for the deployment of multinational forces to improve security on the field

On the basis of a decision, the US government calls “nuclear provisions”, the US State Department announced last week that it will release 109 million US dollars to support the deployment of multinational forces to strengthen security in Haiti (“Nuclear Provisions” This will allow the US government not to consider the position of Republican parliamentarians, who did not agree, for several months, to authorize the use of US funds in the deployment of multinational forces to improve security in Haiti) This is what the US newspaper Miami Herald reported write

Will the multinational force be deployed on the territory of Haiti? When will this be done? Will there be no more multinational forces on the territory of Haiti? For several weeks, nothing has been clear about the issue of the deployment of a multinational force in Haiti. [ppsf emb rc apr 23/06/2024 12:35]