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Who makes up Garry Conille’s government? (Left)

  • June 7, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 27

The Prime Minister will propose nominations for key positions such as the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, as well as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Planning and Cooperation.

The other ministries will be allocated to the sectors which signed the April 3 agreement and which make up the Presidential Transitional Council.

-The Ministry of Defense was awarded to the RED/EDE/Historical Compromise coalition, made up of several influential figures in the country, such as the former Chancellor Claude Joseph, the former Secretary General of the Councils of Ministers Renald Luberice, former Deputy Patrick Norzeus, former Minister of Commerce Jonas Coffy, former senators Youri Latortue and Joseph Lambert, as well as the spokesperson for the RASANBLE Party, Jean Rony Alexandre.

-The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development and the Ministry of the Environment (MARNDR/MDE) were allocated to the Pitit Dessalines party of former senator Moise Jean Charles. Although he wanted to obtain the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities, Prime Minister Garry Conille clearly indicated that he would not entrust sovereign ministries to political parties participating in the next elections.

-The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST) – attributed to the civil society of Gedeon Jean and allies.

-Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) – allocated in accordance with the agreement of December 21. According to our source, Louis Gerald Gilles had coveted this ministry for a long time. However, he faces criticism from some signatories of the agreement who accuse him of not having respected his verbal commitment to Vikerson Garnier, according to which Gilles was to be president and Garnier minister.

-The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MTPTC) was assigned to Fanmi Lavalas, which, unable to obtain the Ministry of Public Health, settles for the MTPTC.

-The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training/Ministry of Culture and Communication (MENFP/MCC) – attributed to the Montana agreement.

-The Ministry of Trade and Industry/Tourism (MCI/Tourism) was attributed to the January 30 agreement, which involves several influential political parties in the country, including OPL, PHTK, UNIR and the MOPOD.

To date, two ministries remain vacant: the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (MJSAC), coveted by the youth sector, and the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women’s Rights (MCFDF) , in which no one has yet expressed interest.

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