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9th year exams enriched with four new subjects in 2024

  • June 11, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 16

Inclusion of new subjects in official 9th ​​year exams, a long-awaited reform.

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), through the Directorate of Basic Education, unveiled in a note the official examination model for the ninth fundamental year for the year 2024, including for for the first time four new disciplines: Aesthetic and Artistic Education, Physical and Sports Education, Education for Technology and Productive Activities, and Citizenship Education.

These subjects, integrated into the curriculum of basic schools since the Bernard Reform of the 1980s, had never been taught effectively due to various obstacles such as the absence of detailed programs and the lack of qualified teachers. With the implementation of the NECTAR project, the MENFP has now developed a new program for the third fundamental cycle which includes these disciplines.

A ministerial decision dated June 14, 2023 formalized the integration of these four subjects in the official exams of the 9th AF class for the year 2024. Since then, various activities have been carried out to prepare the ground, including workshops on work, consultations with teachers and educational leaders, as well as the distribution of detailed programs.

Initiatives include workshops with ministry officials in July 2023, curriculum distribution in September and October 2023, and the development of teaching modules in February 2024. These efforts aim to provide teachers and students with the necessary resources to adequate preparation.

The MENFP wanted to reassure school principals, students, parents and the educational community that the evaluation of students in these new subjects will be experimental and will not constitute an obstacle to student success. Exam models, available via this link are shared to support teachers and students in their preparation.

Aware of the challenges encountered this year, the MENFP expresses its gratitude for the determination of the entire educational community and remains optimistic about the successful conclusion of the school year.

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