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Presidential Council: Race against time? Neither laugh, nor cry, nor harp, but understand.

  • March 26, 2024
  • 12
  • 22

Any proposals to put an end to compromise, corruption and the power of the ego?

par Dr Emmanuel R Saint Hilaire

…What if Haiti really had nothing to do with its situation? What if everything was planned by its own [indignes] daughters and sons? As I was thinking about the question I would ask myself to find the cause of the problems that our dear country “Haiti” is facing and the possible solutions, I found this reflection on this maxim of Spinoza “ Neither laugh, nor cry, nor hate, but understand », published in the online Journal “Sciences Humaines” in 2012 by Martin Gay-Lussac, which appeals to me. This study was led by researchers from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, United States).

I choose to share this reflection with everyone, particularly with national and international actors on the one hand, and to make two proposals on the other. The author of the article writes: “ The philosopher thus invited us to put our emotions in parentheses when it comes to objectively studying a problem. Laughter and tears share the suffering and happiness of others, but prevent us from reasoning. A study could lend credence to this theory: when the brain areas responsible for analytical thinking are activated, the brain areas responsible for empathy are then inhibited. And vice versa. » So in the name of truth, justice, fairness and love for Haiti or belonging to this land, I invite all stakeholders to put their emotions on hold to objectively analyze the situation in the country and make fair and equitable decisions for the benefit of the Haitian people and not for the benefit of their own personal, clan, ethnic interests.

We all know that Haiti is experiencing an unprecedented situation in its history. Incapable of deciding by and for themselves, Haitians seem to be confronted with an almost impossible equation, that is to say one which “admits no solution in its entire definition. » Often we go looking very far for something [la solution] which is before our eyes without knowing that the solution is found in the very leitmotif of a founding maxim of the Haitian nation: Unity is strength. However, it seems difficult to me to admit that such a beautiful country, so rich in its history as well as in its human and natural resources, its diaspora, could be filled with so many inconsistencies and contradictions around its future.

Certainly, we could put some of these problems down to the imprecision of this desire for unity or different ideologies, but when we look closely at reality, it is not the divergence of opinions [le dokos ou la doxa] which poses a problem, but the refusal to sit down to rethink the reconstruction of this country around a common project, to defend the interests of Haiti which is none other than a common goodand return Haiti to the Haitians while working for a poetics of relationship with those [ les amis réels et les amis apparents] who want something to really change in this country.


Let us now call upon an ethic of responsibility and conviction to resolve the problem.

As we face two types of opinions: that of the honest and competent man [l’homme qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut] which is based on reason (logos) and that of the large number [les vulnérables] which is based on fear, fear, and circumstances, these proposals attempt to explore the essential ways that can lead us to break with the bases and foundations of a social, political, cultural nature of Haiti today, the games of “ ma’am, break that cover sheet »: thorny, cavernous, curved under the weight of egoocracy (the power of the ego), vices, structures, systems, imaginations which prevent us from moving forward towards more enchanting tomorrows.

Proposal to resolve the impasse

No one alone will be able to build and rebuild Haiti, all the more reason for the need to unite in truth and patriotism, and to translate the idea of ​​unity in diversity into a pleasant reality. Because polarization is our weakness. We must recognize that no one person can pull Haiti out of this impasse. The long-term solution must involve a social project thought out and developed in the light of our values. The project must be inclusive.

Proposal to resolve the impasse at the level of the Presidential Council

If there is anything more urgent now, it is to ensure the security of the population and increase their capacity for resilience so that they can resume living in peace and with complete peace of mind, so that the children can return to school. The people can’t take it anymore. The country is doing very badly.

To be realistic, we are all aware that the opinions expressed and concerns expressed around the Presidential Council by the actors, the people on the ground, the activists, the population are shared[lackofdiversificationtheprocessdoesnotincludewomencompetent(forwhatreason?)stereotypesetcbutthisapproachisthemostacceptableamongthevariouspossiblesolutionsforthemomentRemaininginviolencemanagementofcurrentaffairscorruptionwouldbetheworstpossiblesolutionandevensuicidal[manquedediversificationleprocessusn’inclutpaslesfemmescompétentes(pourquelleraison?)stéréotypesetcmaiscettedémarcheestlamieuxacceptableparmidesdiversessolutionspossiblespourl’instantResterdanslaviolencelagestiondesaffairescouranteslacorruptionseraitlapiresolutionpossibleetmêmesuicidaire

According to media and public opinion, the process cannot move forward due to a fratricidal conflict to choose the President of the Council. If we want to defend and develop Haiti, why this conflict? Is it for love of country? We are not president to serve the ego, but to serve a people.

If we want to build an inclusive nation, it is imperative to create conditions of possibility so that competent people regardless of their gender or age can help in the management of public affairs or the common good. We ask ourselves: Why are we appealing to the constitution to exclude people if we have not appealed to this same constitution to constitute the Presidential Council? Isn’t this an inconsistency? The supreme interest of the nation takes precedence over any group, individual or particular interest. Shouldn’t the emphasis be on competence and maturity rather than emotion?

We propose that we expand the Presidential Council by asking one or two other sectors to send even competent women (for example, the university sector which is absent). It would be interesting if academics also intervened to shed light on the decision.

To resolve this problem within the Presidential Council on the question of choosing its president, we propose two options:

A. Reduction method by elimination

Let us admit that there are two large groups or trends with two (2) potential candidates, we choose them by consensus or compromise and without compromise to co-lead the Presidential Council which will be able to respond to the aspirations of the people.


B. Draw

Proceed through an equal opportunities process within the Presidential Council. A draw is held publicly and any member of the council can become president.

In fine, we are called to “return Haiti to the Haitians” so that justice can be done to the Haitian people. Together, let’s be the engine of the change we want!

Dr Emmanuel R Saint Hilaire


[email protected]