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  • April 2, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 33


By Pierre Robert Auguste

Some national and foreign media present the Haitian catastrophic crisis situation somewhat distorted and, consequently, as an ideal solution, Caricom’s proposal to constitute a presidential council which will never have a legal basis. Untruths and stupidities, once emanating from the international oligarchs, are admitted and submitted as contraries, good logic, but sophisms at the risk of insulting intelligence.

The stupidities become infinitely their own in the complex Haitian issue. The spirit of blooper tending to spread, we saw a media take as something else symbolic the arrival visit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the new American ambassador, whereas, according to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, it is an obligatory courtesy for the delivery of the figurative copy of the credentials. It is not up to the new ambassador to determine the presentation ceremony (date and others) of said letters himself but the national protocol service. This presentation must be made to the Head of State.

So the new American ambassador will have to wait and refrain from any public declaration before officially taking up his duties. If another or other ambassadors had preceded him, he would come after them.

Another stupidity: agreement with Caricom

Who is authorized to sign it? The self-appointed non-existent presidential council? The Prime Minister held hostage by the Americans, who would act under pressure? The ministerial cabinet which can only meet in a government council and not in a council of ministers, the Presidency of the Republic being vacant? The Head of State alone could invest full powers for the purposes of such a major act. Despite everything, solemn legislative ratification would be required. There is no intellectual accommodation possible.

However, if it is an operation of forced coercion at the forefront of the armies, we will jump from a humanitarian intervention to a brutal military occupation. Then, the armed forces of occupation will put aside the Constitution of 1987, the embarrassing national laws, the embarrassing institutions, knowing that the greedy have no qualms, only have relationships with the most offering last bidder. Will the barbarism, dear to nationalities in the 19th century, be renewed in Haiti in the 21st century?

The entire international community seems paralyzed with unconsciousness in the face of this tragic human drama which threatens the First Black Republic of the new world, despite being one of its emblematic members, promoter of universalism and equality of human races. Where is, with Haiti, the solidarity of the African peoples, the French-speaking states and the Latin American states? By appealing to the UN General Assembly, they will be able to dispel the confusion between international action against insecurity and the monopolization of a country’s national sovereignty. Scapegoats guaranteed for serious international indelicacy, the paysets, small countries of Caricom do not realize that they are condemning themselves to suffer tomorrow the fate of Haiti today. They blindly involve all of Ariel Henri’s collaborators who, more concerned with budgetary cuts, did not understand that appointing him Ambassador, particularly in a Scandinavian country, would spare him all the humiliations of sequestration and moral inferiority. . The sequestered person has no will.

There is only one thing left for them to continue to be: appeal through a formal resolution to the Court of Cassation to fill the void in the Presidency of the Republic and put an end to the stupidities which tend in this crisis to be infinite.

Gonaives on April 2, 2024
Pierre Robert Auguste
Former Secretary of State