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Haiti joins a committee to safeguard UNESCO heritage

  • June 12, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 18

The Permanent Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO announced, Tuesday June 11, 2024, through a press release, the unanimous election of Haiti to the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, during the tenth session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Paris on June 11, 2024.

This “historic” election for a four-year mandate marks “a first for the country” indicates the permanent delegation of Haiti to UNESCO in its press release consulted by the editorial staff of Loop Haiti.

For his part, the ambassador, permanent delegate of Haiti to UNESCO, Dominique Dupuy, newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs, and Minister of Haitians living abroad, spoke in these words: “ I started this journey with a Haitian application, for the first time #soupjoumou. Today, Haiti becomes the member of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee, evaluating submissions from more than 180 countries »

The Intergovernmental Committee is essential for promoting the objectives of the Convention and providing recommendations on best practices
safeguarding, indicates the delegation, informing that its main missions consist of evaluating requests for registration on the lists of intangible cultural heritage, proposing safeguarding programs or projects, providing international assistance and preparing the implementation of the Convention to through operational guidelines and a plan for using the Fund’s resources.

“The members of the committee are chosen by the States Parties respecting the principles of equitable geographical distribution and rotation. », Specifies the press release informing that their mandate is four years, with a biennial renewal of half of the members. They cannot be re-elected for two consecutive terms.

Further, the Haitian delegation underlines that the election of Haiti to the Committee is an international recognition of the capacity of Haitian experts within the Haitian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO and the Permanent Delegation. The agency believes that this election offers Haiti a valuable opportunity to play an influential role in promoting and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage on a global scale.

Finally, the Permanent Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO says it welcomes this opportunity and is committed to promoting with determination the values ​​and objectives of the Convention.

It should be noted that the Prime Minister of the transition Garry Conille and his government will be installed today at the Welcome Villa. Dominique Dupuy is part of this government, leaving her position as Permanent Delegate of Haiti to UNSECO free. At the moment, we do not know who will replace her.

I started this journey with a Haitian application, for the first time, #soupjoumou. Today, Haiti becomes a member of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee, evaluating submissions from over 180 countries! #Cultural Heritage#HaitiPride UNESCO 🌍🇭🇹

— Dominique Dupuy (@DominiqueDPH) June 12, 2024

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