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A Hatien in the Mister Supranational 2024 competition, in Poland

  • June 19, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 11

Ravensley Boisrond

3 hrs ago

Obadiah Augustine. Photo taken on the Mister Supranational page.

Haitian Abdias Augustin will represent Haiti in the Mister Supranational 2024 competition which will take place in Nowy Sącz, Poland, from June 22 to July 5, 2024.

Through a publication on social networks this Wednesday, June 19, 2024, Abdias Augustin shared his enthusiasm before his departure for this international event. For him, this opportunity to represent his country is of capital importance, even in the face of the challenges Haiti is currently experiencing.

“I am going to Poland today to represent my country, Haiti. Despite the current situation, representation is important,” we can read on its Facebook page.

In his words, Augustin expressed his desire to make a difference by giving hope to Haitian youth.

“Even though I cannot change the circumstances of our country, I intend to give ten million reasons to young boys to work hard, stay focused and continue dreaming despite the difficulties. We are here to make an impact,” he says.

The young man also expressed his gratitude to everyone who made this opportunity possible.

“Thank you to everyone who made this possible,” he concluded.

Note that the 2024 edition of the Mister Supranational competition will see the debut of Ivory Coast and Guatemala. This edition will also mark the return of several countries which had not participated for several years. Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Haiti, Laos, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, the United Kingdom and Suriname, absent since 2022, will return. Myanmar and Paraguay had not competed since 2018, while Jamaica and Suriname had not participated since 2019, and Colombia and the Dominican Republic had been absent since 2021.

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Ravensley Boisrond