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Normil Rameau declares war on bandits and maintains that the Police take back the monopoly of legitimate violence

  • June 21, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 3

Frantz Elbé is now a thing of the past. The new Acting Director of the PNH, Normil Rameau, took office and issued a warning to bandits who use the police as a springboard. In his inaugural speech, the Director General declared that the police are regaining a monopoly on violence and that they will neutralize and dismantle the gangs.

On June 21, 2024, the Haitian National Police changed leadership. Normil Rameau, who had led the institution between August 2019 and November 2020, was installed as the new leader in a context of widespread insecurity. Upon his return, he wasted no time in showing his determination and reassuring a population wandering on its own territory.

Regarding the challenges ahead, the commander says he has learned enough lessons from the past and is well aware of the current exceptional circumstances. According to the Director General, restoring hope to the population and guaranteeing their security throughout the territory is a key objective. To do this, he says the force of law will reduce the arrogance and terror of armed criminal gangs.

Mr. Rameau made a solemn commitment to the nation and the authorities that his crucial mission is to neutralize and dismantle the gangs. He further maintains that he will do everything possible not to deviate from this mission, emphasizing that the restoration of public order will be one of his main priorities.

The senior officer clearly expressed his understanding of the challenges facing the population. He is committed to moving forward quickly and methodically, emphasizing the importance of taking action. He called for close collaboration between the population and the PNH to fight effectively against armed gangs. “We decided to go back, we can’t say we don’t know,” he added.

The CEO also had words of comfort for his comrades in arms: “I know your suffering, the difficult times you have experienced, the grueling daily working conditions. It is inconceivable that you continue to be targets of bandits. The memory of those who fell must never be erased in the history of the PNH. Conditions will be improved. The Council assured me,” he insisted to motivate them.

Mr. Rameau, as an impartial and resolute leader, stressed to the police officers the importance of unity and solidarity as essential pillars to winning the battle. Under his leadership, he asserted that the police would regain a monopoly on legitimate violence, thus ceasing to serve political clans or to be manipulated for electoral or clientelistic purposes.

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