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Haiti – Politics: Canada announces an additional 5.7 million to support the MMSS

  • June 27, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 8

Haiti – Politics: Canada announces an additional 5.7 million to support the MMSS
27/06/2024 09:32:36

On Wednesday June 26, 2024, Mélanie Joly, the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that Canada will contribute an additional sum of 5.7 million Canadian dollars to the United Nations Trust Fund for the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) in Haiti. This funding is in addition to the granting of 80.5 million Canadian dollars to the Trust Fund announced last February -millions-of-dollars-to-improve-security-in-haiti.html

This new funding will directly support the deployment of the Kenyan-led mission. Furthermore, Canada is working with countries contributing to the MMSS to provide training to deployed officers and establish mechanisms to prevent human rights violations, including sexual and gender-based violence.

In addition to these 5.7 million, remember that Canada had previously allocated $12.5 million to support three projects that will help strengthen the PNH and improve security conditions for the civilian population in Haiti:

$5 million through the Canadian Commercial Corporation to support the HNP’s specialized tactical training program;

$4 million to the Organization of American States for its Securing Maritime and Land Commerce in Haiti program;

$3.5 million to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for its container control program in Haiti.

These three projects are financed as part of a $100 million investment for the PNH which was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in March 2023 crisis-in-haiti-trudeau-promises-money-and-biden-changes-orientation.html

Also read:

HL/ HaitiFree

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