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Haiti – Politics: Launch of the harmonization process between sports federations and the MJSAC

  • June 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 9

Haiti – Politics: Launch of the harmonization process between sports federations and the MJSAC
27/06/2024 09:16:25

Devalis Octavius, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (MJSAC) accompanied by members of his cabinet Mesguerre St Pierre and Frantz Jean-Louis, met this week with the leaders of national sports federations and associations on the need to maintain privileged relationships with partners and key players in the sector.

During his intervention, Minister Octavius ​​made a point of emphasizing the importance of federations, the active arm of the Ministry before emphasizing the particular context of the transition which limits interventions in the sector. Nevertheless, she was in favor of presenting an annual activity plan at the next meeting while insisting on the harmonization of actions between the federations and her Ministry.

Ralph Kernizan, President of the Haitian Table Tennis Federation, speaking on behalf of the national sports federations and associations, recalled the true mission of the federations and took the opportunity to submit to the Minister, specifications dealing with:

• Lack of financial resources;
• The absence of a framework law on sport;
• The functioning of the ministry without organic law;
• Search for investment funds;
• Budget allocations to federations;
• Remuneration of key positions in federations;
• The partnership between the Ministry and the federations;
• The reopening of the National School of Sports Talents (ENTS);
• The importance of sports infrastructures;
• Logistical and administrative support to federations;
• The flight of technicians, supervisors and trainers.

The Minister took note of the demands of the federations and called on them to work to present sport as an important lever to use and promote among the major projects to help the country emerge from the multidimensional crisis in which it finds itself.

At the end of the meeting, Minister Octavius, expressing his determination to maintain close relations with the federations, formed an “ad hoc” Commission responsible for relations between the federations and the Ministry composed of Ralph Kernizan, the Director of the Directorate of Physical and Sports Activities (DAPS), Marc Enol Exinord and a representative of the Technical and Advisory Support Unit (UATC).

HL/ HaitiLibre

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