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Apachidiz Volume 1, the album is finally available

  • May 15, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 22

Announced a few months ago, the label’s first album Apache World Music is finally available to the general public, from this Friday, May 10, 2024. This album contains 14 tracks and is sung exclusively by the three singers of the label, namely T-Joe Zenny, Pablo and Mélo.

The fourteen tracks of the album are sung alternately by the three singers of AWM. Indeed, after the three titles which announced the album (M ap tann, Peche, Si m te nan plas ou), the other songs featured on the project are solos.

Among the fourteen titles appearing on the album Apachidiz volume I, we find the following titles: AWM, I will give you people, Master of affairs, I want to see, My heart is rebellious, Bestie, When I have money, I am waiting , Sin, If I were in your place.

Since the release of the album, the song “An n fè 2 won”, a tribute dedicated to all mothers, is the title among many others featured on the album, which has accumulated by then, more than viewing on the AWM YouTube channel.

Source: Celebrity Magazine



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