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Audio. Currently, I am on a hospital bed, confided the Government Commissioner of Cap-Hatien, four days after the violent confrontation with police officers.

  • February 17, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 45

Saturday February 17, 2024 ((–Approximately four days after the violent incident involving the government commissioner and agents of theDepartmental Order Maintenance Unit (UDMO) in Cap-Haïtien, Northwest Network was able to contact Maître Charles-Édouard Durand to obtain information on the case.

Commissioner Durand, who is in a health center that he did not want to identify, declared “currently, I am in the hospital, on a hospital bed. »

Mr. Durand explained that his condition required additional medical examinations, specifying that he was obliged to return to the hospital approximately four days after the unfortunate incident for further medical tests.

According to press reports, the incident broke out when Commissioner Durand was attacked by a UDMO police officer, who asked him to move his vehicle parked on the road. Information from a police union in Port-au-Prince, however, suggests that the commissioner leave on grog li allegedly tried to slap the police officer, thus triggering an altercation between the two parties.

Questioned about these allegations, Maître Durand replied that “ anyone wishing to know more about his behavior could contact any other police officer in the city of Cap-Haïtien to corroborate or deny these facts«.

This violent incident led the judges of the Court of Appeal of Cap-Haitien and the heads of the public prosecutor’s offices of Cap-Haitien, Grande-Rivière du Nord and Fort-Liberté to condemn the beating of magistrate Durand. They also demand that the offending police officer(s), the new armed wing of Ariel Henry’s illegitimate authoritarian regime, be brought to justice, under penalty of work stoppage.

