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Child malnutrition in Haiti worsened by gang violence: UNICEF

  • March 27, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 36

Number of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Haiti in 2024 increased due to gang violence according to UNICEF

L’UNICEF through a press release published on its website drew attention to child malnutrition which has worsened in Haiti for the year 2024 because of gang violence in the country. For this year,

“Recent findings from analysis conducted by the Integrated Food Security Classification Framework (IPC) show an alarming 19% increase in the number of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Haiti”

“The clashes and instability in Haiti have consequences that go far beyond the risks linked to the violence itself. The situation is creating a health and nutritional crisis that could cost the lives of countless children”says Catherine Russell, Executive Director of UNICEF.

In its warning, UNICEF said that gang violence hitting the western and Artibonite departments has blocked

“the delivery of aid and contributes to the collapse of an already fragile health system, all factors which imminently threaten the lives of more than 125,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition.”

It should be remembered that one of the 17 UNICEF containers was recently looted in the main port of Port-au-Prince by gangs. According to the institution, the container contains several items including items essential to the survival of mothers, newborns and children, including resuscitators and associated equipment.

Despite this situation which persists, UNICEF is committed to redouble its efforts to protect families, particularly those finding themselves trapped and deprived of essential services, and to provide them with vital assistance.

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