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Company: EXECOM organizes a seminar to harmonize professional relations

  • June 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 4

This Saturday, June 29, 2024, Expression School of Communication (EXECOM) organized a free training seminar for around forty young people under the theme “Employee-Employer Relationship: reciprocal rights and duties”. The training, held at the premises of the Haïti Efficace firm of economist Etzer Émile in Bois Verna, aimed to harmonize professional relations in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of employees.

In a festive atmosphere marked by the birthday of the CEO, Mr. Mackenson Phanor, the discussions were led by Me Jean Eliakim CANGÉ, coordinator of the investigation and research unit of the Office for Citizen Protection.

The participants expressed their satisfaction, praising the initiative. Ms. Sneika Synal congratulated the organizing staff, while Dimitry Delester stressed the importance of such training for supporting young people.

“I extend my most sincere thanks to all the EXECOM staff for this very fruitful training. I really hope this won’t be the last time. And I am ready to make my contribution wherever possible,” declared Guichenel EDOUAZIN.

The trainer, Me CANGÉ, welcomed the initiative and expressed his availability for future training, particularly in the field of human rights.

Mackenson Phanor, CEO of EXECOM, expressed his delight at the success of the event, announcing that this seminar is the first in a series aimed at training young people for a better harmonization of society.

Society needs young people like those on the EXECOM staff to hope for social recovery, in a context of declining values.

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