Verified on 02/19/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Fermented foods have undergone a transformation caused by microorganisms such as bacteria or yeast. This process transforms sugars and starches into organic acids, alcohol or gases.

Formerly used as a preservation process, fermentation is now ideal for taking care of your health. Explanations.

What is a fermented food?

The fermentation refers to the modification of foods by microbes, fungi or bacteria. This is a natural biochemical reaction once used as a way to preserve fruits and vegetables.

The transformation of sugar molecules in a poor or airless environment, under the action of bacteria or yeast, creates molecules of gas, alcohol or acid.

There are different fermentations depending on the product. THE cheese, for example, has undergone lactic fermentation just like yogurt. Bread has undergone an alcoholic transformation.

What fermented foods should you eat?

Fermented foods were produced through controlled microbial growth. It can be beer, vinegar, kimchi (Korean cabbage), kombuchakefir (a Caucasian fermented drink), bread, sauerkraut… Many foods are consumed on a daily basis.

Depending on the product, the microbes that cause fermentation may still be alive (like kefir or kombucha).

Other foods that undergo fermentation are then processed by pasteurization, cooking or filtering, which destroys the active microbes, such as bread or chocolate.

What health benefits?

According to Melyssa Chedri, dietician and nutritionist in Lyon, “Fermented foods are an important source of probiotics, live microorganisms that are beneficial to health”.

They are also a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. According to the expert, fermented foods have the benefits of:

  • Improve digestion ;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Reduce the risk of certain heart diseases, diabetes or obesity. They would also reduce the risk of cancer;
  • Improve the health of skin, hair and nails.

According to a study published in Nutrition Reviews, these types of foods also help manage weight, improve bone health and improve blood pressure.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

February 19, 2024, at 10:01 a.m.

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