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Haiti – Assassination of President Mose: Colombia wants to repatriate the 18 Colombians imprisoned in Haiti

  • July 15, 2024
  • 4 Min
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Haiti – Assassination of President Moïse: Colombia wants to repatriate the 18 Colombians imprisoned in Haiti
15/07/2024 09:44:22

Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo confirmed that the Colombian government is taking steps to try to obtain the repatriation of former Colombian military personnel imprisoned in Haiti since 2021, accused of participating in the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated that together with the Colombian Minister of Justice, Néstor Osuna, they are evaluating how to reach an agreement with the Government of Haiti to allow Colombians detained in that country to continue the process or their possible conviction in Colombia.

“We hope that together with Minister Osuna and our consul we can move forward in establishing the mechanism and that we can, at least, repatriate those who could have a sentence and see what mechanism we will use so that those who have not been sentenced. We can obtain these procedures in Colombia, but it is a very technical legal issue that the Ministry of Justice is studying,” explained Murillo.

“Chancellor Murillo hopes to travel to Haiti to meet with Prime Minister Garry Conille and begin to examine the possibility of establishing an agreement to be able to repatriate people deprived of their liberty and guarantee due process,” Murillo said about the return to normal in bilateral relations.

One of the points in dispute is that the people should be convicted, but none of the 18 Colombians arrested for the assassination have been convicted and sentenced and are imprisoned in pretrial detention…

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice are working to overcome this requirement and even open the possibility that the trial will take place with the Colombians imprisoned in Colombia, as has already been done with other countries in the region.

SL/ HaitiLibre

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