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Haiti: Celebration of the poetry of the Ecole Moderne de la Valle de Jacmel with Clément II Benoit

  • February 23, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 35

A queue of readers awaiting the author’s autograph

The Jacmel Valley, located in the South-East department, experienced a beautiful morning of poetry on Wednesday February 21, 2022. The meeting was set at the Ecole Moderne de la Vallée where the poet and cultural operator, Clément II Benoit was to meet a whole new audience made up of teachers and students.

THE HAITI FACTOR, February 23, 2024._In an atmosphere marked by conviviality and an overflowing desire for celebration, Mr. Benoit was welcomed for a beautiful poetic immersion. His book “Koulè Lapli” was submitted to the appreciation of a host of young readers who vividly testified to the pleasure of enjoying such a beautiful day dedicated to exchanges and the signature sale. A unique opportunity for them to nourish their curiosity about certain elements relating to the creation as well as the consumption of a poetic work.

It is inspiring to see students express their sensitivity and insight by analyzing the terms and emotions expressed in the work of Clement II Benedict. Being able to interact directly with the poet certainly enriched their understanding of his poetry and allowed them to grasp the depth of his experiences and his reflections.

“It is particularly commendable to note that despite the political unrest which affects cultural activities in the country, people and institutions such as those responsible for the Ecole Moderne de la Vallée continue to fight to offer young people moments of healthy leisure and enriching”, rejoices the poet and promoter of the country’s only traveling literary fair, Clément II Benoit, who also placed emphasis on poetry which is, for him, an art which can deeply touch individuals and reveal essential truths about our human condition. He took the opportunity to express his great pleasure at having been warmly applauded by the students, the teaching staff and the members of the administration.

By offering students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the poetry of Clement II Benoit, the Ecole Moderne de la Vallée has fostered an enriching and stimulating artistic experience, paving the way for a deeper exploration of beauty and depth of literature. For Mr. Benoit Payen, director of the establishment, the presence of the writer Clément II Benoit is a catalyst for the schoolchildren who took part in this great event “We could see to what extent they were motivated by the the desire to read and the madness of learning about the experience of poetic writing. », he rejoices, while sending his congratulations to the dynamic promoter of the book who, he hopes, should not delay in renewing this great adventure full of joy and love.

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A queue of readers awaiting the authors autograph

This beautiful day of poetry will undoubtedly remain a memorable moment for all who participated, and it highlights the importance of celebrating and promoting poetry as an expression of the human soul and creativity. In these difficult times, where culture and education can be compromised by political instability, Clement II Benedict did not fail to insist on the fact that it is essential to recognize the interest in preserving cultural spaces and artistic for the development of youth.

Young people, for their part, do not hide their emotions. “It’s a wonderful day. I had the chance to discover an extraordinary poet whose words inspire me a lot; his poetry, as much as his good humor, is contagious,” declares Djeny Jean-Charles, NS1 student. This is not denied by others who, like Jonh Kerry Louis and Daphcar Payen, say they are edified by the motivating speech of Clement II Benedict while wishing to repeat this enriching experience.

The Director of the Moderne de la Vallée school, Mr. Benoît Payen, warmly thanked Brown Legal Group and the Director General of the national education fund, Professor Jean Ronald Joseph, who allowed the presence of Mr. Clément II Benoît at The valley.


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Le Facteur Haiti