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Haiti – FLASH: Barbecue warns that he and his men are ready to face Kenyan troops (Video)

  • June 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 6

Haiti – FLASH: “Barbecue” warns that he and his men are ready to confront Kenyan troops (Video)
29/06/2024 09:05:59

Let us recall that during the last weekend before the arrival of the first contingent from Kenya, in a video broadcast on the internet, the gang leader Jimmy Chérizier alias “Barbecue”, spokesperson for the criminal alliance “Viv ansanm” had proposed to Prime Minister Garry Conille to resolve the problem of insecurity caused by gangs through dialogue.

Tuesday June 25, Prime Minister Conille reacting to this message, declared that the gangs must first lay down their arms and recognize the authority of the State before any other provision without mentioning dialogue…

In a new video or “Barbecue” in a modest “warrior” setting, with some of his most loyal men, there is no longer any doubt that he has no intention of meeting the prerequisites of ‘a dialogue which is clearly no longer on the agenda…

In this “propaganda” video, “Barbecue” said once again that it was ready to confront the Kenyan troops, whom it described as “invaders”, affirming that its men had morale and were preparing for combat… He asks to stand up to fight and promises that he would be the first and last to stand by them.

In a speech with arguments repeated many times and always without effect, he declared “ […] Today as little Dessaline […] we cannot let foreign troops come and assassinate people in the country, at the risk of our lives… […] We will fight until our last drop of blood to defend the integrity and sovereignty of the country. […] and even if I die, I think that the succession is assured, other people will rise to continue the battle […] »

SL/ HaitiLibre

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