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Haiti: New assault by armed bandits against the Gressier police station

  • June 30, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 5

Intense fighting took place in the middle of the day on Sunday, June 30, 2024, in Gressier, a commune in the West Department of Haiti, between police officers and armed bandits. After hours of clashes, gangs finally regained control of the police station, as evidenced by a short video they published, which went viral on social media.

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 30, 2024._Armed bandits once again stormed the Gressier police station in the middle of the day on Sunday June 30.

They invaded the premises of the police institution after several hours of clashes with the police officers assigned there, according to several local sources.

To achieve this, the gangsters tried to surround the building in order to surprise the police, particularly those from the SWAT TEAM who had occupied the premises for more than a month following a first armed attack.

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In addition to the encirclement plan, they then fired towards the building to drive out the occupants and take control of the police institution.

After having succeeded in the coup, they published a short video lasting 45 seconds in which young men, heavily armed and shirtless, jubilant with joy in the Courtyard of the Police Station as well as in front of the main barrier.

Furthermore, as was the case recently, they set fire to a vehicle parked in the courtyard while making hostile remarks against the police and the High Command of the institution to celebrate their “victory”.

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One of them, with his face uncovered and proclaiming himself a soldier of the “bougòy” gang leader, gives a coat to the Government Commissioner of Miragoâne, Me Jean Ernest Muscadin and also minimizes the deployment in Haiti of Kenyan police officers for attempt to restore security in the country.

It should also be recalled that on May 12, the police, in a press release, announced that they had regained control of the Gressier police station, which was in the hands of bandits following an armed attack on the night of May 10 to 11, 2024.


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Le Facteur Haiti