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Hati-Criminalit: Baptism of fire for new police commanders in the West

  • July 1, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 5

P-to-P, July 1, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Changes made at the level of the two departmental police directorates of the West department, including the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, were immediately followed by an intensification of terror by armed gangs in Gressier (about thirty km south of Port-au-Prince), observes AlterPresse.

On the instructions of the new interim director general of the Haitian National Police (Pnh), Rameau Normil, Inspector General Smith Péyo proceeded, on Saturday, June 29, 2024, to the installation of the new departmental director of West- 1 (Ddo1), divisional commissioner Julbert Conseillant as well as the new departmental director of West-2 (Ddo2), divisional commissioner Xavier Séide.

Conseillant and Séide replace, respectively, the divisional commissioner Yvon Cantave and the principal commissioner Roger Lamartinière, both transferred to the office of the interim director general of the Pnh.

The day after the official announcement of these changes, the police station in Gressier was once again stormed on Sunday, June 30, 2024, by armed bandits.

Several defenseless residents of Gressier were shot dead in their homes by armed attackers, according to initial information.

A public transport driver, providing the Jacmel/Port-au-Prince route, was shot dead, then his body burned by these armed bandits, early this Monday, July 1, 2024, in this context of gang terror in Gressier.

In an audio message, transmitted to the AlterPresse/AlterRadio platform, the National Union of Haitian Police Officers (Synapoha) welcomes the decision of the general management of the PNH to install 2 new officials at the head of the departmental police of the West.

These measures come a few days after the installation of Rameau Normil as director general of the police institution, while Kenyan police officers are in Haiti to help the Haitian National Police (PNH) fight against armed gangs.

We do not know what negative psychological impact Gressier’s new attacks could have on police officers and the population. [emb gp apr 1er/07/2024 11:35]