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Here are 5 tips to overcome shyness!

  • February 16, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 37

Verified on 01/06/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Ah, shyness… It’s a widespread character trait that can sometimes prove disabling, especially when taken to the extreme.

However, rest assured, shyness is not inevitable and can be overcome with a little work.

Shyness often finds its roots in childhood: anxious parents who transmit the idea that the outside world is full of dangers, a tyrannical brother or sister, devaluation, etc.

The causes are multiple, but the good news is that if it has been constructed, it can also be deconstructed! Passeport Santé shares 5 tips to help you in this process.

Don’t talk about your shyness

Shyness does not define your identity. So, stop systematically presenting yourself as a shy person. On the one hand, it could alter other people’s perceptions of you.

Isn’t it better to give those around you the opportunity to form their own opinion?

On the other hand, calling yourself shy is like sabotage your own image and criticize yourself. Accept yourself as you are and be open to change, even gradual change.

The transformation of the timidity in insurance will not happen overnight. Let time take its course and challenge yourself.

Every day, set yourself a new challenge: make an appointment by phone, start a conversation with a stranger, ask questions of your colleagues, etc. The opportunities are multiple!

Don’t isolate yourself

When you are afraid of something, you should not avoid it, at the risk of fueling this fear. It is therefore important to confront your fears.

Force yourself to step out of your comfort zone, accept invitations to parties, to have a drink or to dine at a restaurant, even in the presence of strangers.

On the contrary, these situations can represent new opportunities for overcome your shyness and open yourself to the world.

Be prepared

This is crucial advice to apply, especially during exams, whether written or oral, professional presentations, meetings or any speaking engagements.

Preparation must go beyond simple memorization of content. It is essential to prepare psychologically for the ordeal to come.

Consider consulting a sophrologist who will give you advice on breathing to better control your anxiety and stress: breathe in and out!

Additionally, a sophrologist will teach you how to use visualization as an effective relaxation method. Take it from someone who knows anxiety, this approach can really help you!

Accept your shyness

You’ll find that fully accepting who you are can often make all the difference! If you’re shy, that’s completely normal. When the subject of your shyness comes up, don’t deflect it, on the contrary.

Adopt a light tone, stay relaxed and engage in the conversation about it, this may well free you from any hang-ups.

Likewise, regarding blushing. Anyone, shy or not, can find themselves blushing in certain situations. So embrace it! Yes, you’re blushing, and it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it, and it will go much more unnoticed!

Be realistic and let go

Shyness is often a reaction to a racing imagination. Facing reality can calm you down : If you make a mistake while speaking in public, what dramatic consequences could there be? Nothing serious, so no need to stress yourself out too much.

Likewise, as a shy person, we often tend to think that that’s all everyone sees and here’s the good news: that’s not the case!

In fact, even if they listen and observe you, they won’t spend their time thinking about you blushing or stuttering.

Let’s be honest, this will have absolutely no impact on their lives. So, take a deep breath, everything is okay!

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