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Hyaluronic acid injections: a prescription is now required to obtain injectable products

  • June 3, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 16

104. This is the number of reports concerning illegal injections recorded in 2023, according to figures of the National Council of the Order of Physicians, relayed by The Parisian in March 2024. A level never reached in six years.

Pour “protect the population from illegal injections ofhyaluronic acid, a decree was published in the Official Journal on May 31, 2024. The objective? “More strictly regulate the delivery of medical devices and injectable products based on hyaluronic acid”we can read in a press release from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Solidarity.

A mandatory prescription to obtain injectable products based on hyaluronic acid

To have fuller lips, or erase forehead wrinkles, some people resort to hyaluronic acid or botox injections. Injections which are sometimes not carried out by doctors, but by what we have nicknamed fake injectors.

This is the reason why injectable products based on hyaluronic acid can now only be delivered on medical prescription. As the decree indicates, doctors will be able to prescribe them for medical or aesthetic purposes, and dental surgeons for medical purposes only.

#Communiqué 🗞️| Hyaluronic acid: health authorities are strengthening the #regulation by making the #prescription compulsory medical ⤵️

— Ministry of Health and Prevention (@Sante_Gouv) June 3, 2024

Illegal injections: what can be the side effects?

In 2022, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products was already warning of the risks associated with illegal injections. Among the undesirable effects, we find in particular a local infection of the area which can go as far as septicemia, HIV contamination, necrosis which can lead to amputation of tissues or even blindness.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Solidarity therefore reminds people wishing to use hyaluronic acid injections that it is necessary to turn “towards their doctor or dental surgeon, who are the only professionals who can perform these injections”. It also reminds that it is appropriate to declare any adverse effect on the Adverse health event reporting portalwhich will be updated soon.

Sources :

  • Decree No. 2024-490 of May 29, 2024 relating to the sale of devices containing hyaluronic acid in injectable form – Official Journal
  • Hyaluronic acid: health authorities are strengthening regulations by making medical prescription compulsory – Ministry of Health, Labor and Solidarity – May 31, 2024
  • Aesthetic medicine: 104 reports of illegal injections in 2023, a record in six years – Le Parisien – March 22, 2024
  • Hyaluronic acid injections for aesthetic purposes: only doctors can perform them – National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) – July 11, 2022
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Anais Chabalier