Beverages are one of the main factors in the appearance of kidney stones. “It’s not a diet, but an adjustment to your eating habits,” says Dr. Bouquin Vincent. In fact, it is not a question of completely changing your eating habits but of reducing certain foods that are conducive to kidney stones. To prevent them, you can reduce the consumption of foods and drinks rich in sodium, oxalates and uric acids. But what are the drinks to favor?

Here are 4 drinks that will provide you with all the nutrients and benefits to prevent kidney stones.

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney stones or renal lithiasisare salt crystals or calcium oxalates which develop at the level of reins, bladder, urethra and ureter. The sizes vary, ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters, reaching a certain size, they create severe pain for the wearer.

No worries, for the three existing types of kidney stones :

  • oxalate ;
  • phosphate de calcium ;
  • Uric acid.

The preferred drinks are identical (except for a small downside for oxalate).

The 4 drinks to favor

To drink a lot of water !

The quality of the water is not the most important, but the quantity! Drink 2 to 3 liters of water throughout the day (whether spring water, tap water, except water rich in sodium to avoid), especially if you practice a sporting activity or in case of extreme heat.

Drinking water helps prevent kidney stones and will make your urine alkaline. Choose lemon water (always with little sodium) for a citrate intake which protects against the formation of kidney stones.

Citrus fruits

An intake rich in citrates is an essential element in the prevention of kidney stones. THE lemon juice, grapefruit, yuzu, tangerine, orange have a high citrate content. If you are not a fan of citrus fruits, you can opt for tomato juice and different vegetable juices (avoid vegetables rich in oxalates).

Le potassium

The following juices are excellent sources of potassium:

  • bananas;
  • cantaloup ;
  • honeydew melon ;
  • papaya;
  • peaches;
  • plum juice;
  • juices from legumes (seeds, pumpkins, flax, sunflowers).

Choose homemade juices for a better intake. An imbalance between low potassium intake and high sodium intake can increase the risk of kidney stones. To reduce this risk, it is advisable to maintain an adequate dietary intake of potassium, favoring vegetables and fruits, and ensuring that you consume at least 5 servings per day.

Vitamin C is important for health, but you should not exceed the 100 mg recommended by doctors, because beyond that, it can metabolize oxalate and promote the formation of kidney stones.

Dairy or plant products

To maintain balance in the body, it is essential to regulate levels of oxalate (a substance naturally produced by the body) as well as calcium. If dairy isn’t your preference, you can opt for alternatives such as goat’s milk or soy, which also provide calcium. However, it is important to monitor the oxalate content of these alternatives to maintain this balance.

Drinks to avoid

You understand that for a healthy diet, there is no question of stopping everything. But it is essential to moderate and diversify your daily food intake. To prevent kidney stones, reduce drinks containing phosphorus such as:

  • cola and sodas loaded with added sugars;
  • drinks high in sodium;
  • tea too strong;
  • the alcohol.

Look for drinks labeled: no sodium and no added sugar.

For specialist advice on the diet you should follow, speak to a nutritionist or dietician.

Anya El Hamdaoui


May 2, 2024, at 10:51 a.m.

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