Verified on 02/28/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Mental ruminations correspond to recurring and repetitive thoughts that are difficult to control. These are often negative thoughts linked to a past or future event.

Here are some practical tips to overcome it!

What are the causes of mental ruminations?

We have all ruminated and thought at one point or another in our lives, especially when we are sad or worried.

A person can to think as you approach a medical appointment, an operation or even an examination. It’s completely natural.

Other factors are known to trigger mental ruminations:

  • a recent traumatic event;
  • low self-esteem;
  • a phobia ;
  • a breakup

Be careful, when mental ruminations are permanent and when they are associated with other psychological symptoms, they can be a sign of a more serious mental disorder (depression, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress, etc.).

Attention !

If you are in this situation, consult a doctor.

Here are some strategies to help you get rid of your incessant negative thoughts:

Avoid the factors that trigger them

For example, if social networks or the news tend to make you ruminate, limit the time you spend there each day to preserve your mental health.

Get in touch with nature

A study published in 2014 showed that people who went for a walk in nature for around 1.5 hours had fewer symptoms of mental rumination after their walk compared to those who went for a walk in the city.

Practice regular physical activity

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of sport on mental health.

Change one’s mind

It is essential to take your mind off things by doing an activity that requires concentration or by going out to see friends, a film at the cinema, an exhibition, etc.


Mindfulness meditation allows everyone to better understand the connection between our thoughts and our sensations. Over time, the practice of meditation allows us to better control our negative thoughts.

Question yourself

Question these negative thoughts by asking yourself if they bring us anything beneficial or not.

Thanks to this form of introspection, perfectionists will realize that perfection does not exist, and people who worry too much about how others see them will realize that these “others” are devoured by their fears and their narrowness of view. spirit.

Annabelle Iglesias


February 28, 2024, at 11:39 a.m.

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