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Ruto’s mercenary promise to Knyane police

  • June 26, 2024
  • 7 Min
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This is not a show of solidarity between the two peoples, President Ruto was hired and paid as a mercenary to intervene in Haiti.

LPresident William Ruto of Kenya is the model of a president who inspires no confidence and who appears in international opinion as a mercenary in the service of the United States. While the Supreme Court of Kenya blocked the movement of Kenyan police officers to Haiti, Ruto found a trick to circumvent his justice and facilitate the deployment of police officers on Haitian soil.

To do the dirty work for which he was paid by the corruptors of Washington, on Monday June 24, 2024, he organized at the Administrative Police Training Campus in Embakasi, a departure ceremony in the presence of Deputy Inspector General Noor Gabow, Chief of Operations Samuel Chebet (GSU), and Principal Deputy Inspector General Geoffrey Otunge who will lead the troops on Haitian soil.

The police officers Ruto was preparing to send to Haiti are drawn from the Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU), Anti Stock Theft Unit (ASTU), General Service Unit (GSU) and Border Patrol Unit (BPU). They are a combat-trained team that officials say is capable of handling the situation on the ground in a professional manner.

President William Ruto presented the flag to Kenyan police officers en route to the mission in Haiti at the Embakasi Administrative Police Training College on June 24, 2024.

The de facto Haitian Prime Minister appointed by Washington, Garry Conille, of the same ilk as Ruto, declared during the press conference with the leaders of the Kenyan police at the Prime Minister’s office, this morning, June 25, 2024, that this act is a sign of solidarity expressed by the president towards the Haitian people. As a native on duty, he was undoubtedly required to clean up the image of President Ruto and present him as a hero before the Haitian people.

What a blatant lie from Conille, Ruto showed no sense of solidarity with the Haitian people. He was hired and paid. In an article in the Miami Herald on Tuesday, June 18, the newspaper noted that “Secretary of State Antony Blinken has directed the State Department to provide $109 million in funding to help Kenyan special police forces deploy to Haiti.”

The head of the Kenyan delegation in Haiti, Monica Juma

President Ruto has only defended his work like any mercenary to his boss Joe Biden of the United States who himself provided the financial and logistical support.

The real reasons for this investment by the imperialist powers will not be revealed for the moment. It is in no way a question of violence and insecurity that mobilizes them. Why do they not react in the same way to the acute criminal insecurity facing the Palestinian people? If the West was in love with other people’s peace as it claims in the case of Haiti, in the context of the war against Russia in Ukraine, it would have accepted the Russians’ offer of the peace process. In fact, world peace is the least of Western powers’ concerns.

President Williams Ruto took advantage of this moment to cajole the police. He promised them a new salary scale which will come into force next July.

Back to Williams Ruto, the president took advantage of this moment to mollify the police since every worker likes to hear the word salary increase. It was just before the embarkation of these poor police officers for Haiti, 400 in number, and the rest 600 will leave shortly, that he promised them a golden goose, namely a new salary scale that will come into effect next July.

What a complete liar, what a rascal, a real whore of capitalism, this Ruto!

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Marie Laurette Numa