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Stphane Luco Dsir, eldest son of host Luckner Dsir, tragically commits suicide in Florida

  • June 14, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 8

Stéphane Luco Désir, eldest son of the famous journalist Luckner Désir, committed suicide this Friday, June 14 by throwing himself under a train in Florida, in the United States. The news, announced by a tearful Luckner Désir during his show “Matin Débat”, shocked and saddened many listeners.

This Friday, June 14, 2024 will be remembered as a day of mourning for the Désir family. Stéphane was about to finish his studies next month. However, for reasons still unknown, Stéphane made the decision to end his life by throwing himself under a train. Before taking action, he left a memo for his mother, the contents of which have not been disclosed.

During his speech on the program “Matin Débat”, Luckner Désir, visibly upset, shared his dismay and pain with his listeners. “All my assets were spent on him. My God, why are you doing this to me? “, he expressed in tears.

The news of Stéphane’s suicide quickly made the rounds on social networks and traditional media, sparking a wave of support and sympathy for the Désir family. This is terrible news.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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