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The police seem to be waking up, according to Synapoha

  • March 22, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 32

There is an awakening among the police, notes the coordinator of the National Haitian Police Union. Mr. Lionel Lazare cites the multiple interventions carried out over the last few days as proof. The police officers are no longer paralyzed and are bravely taking on the new challenges that arise. This awakening is the result of the initiatives of the high command which was able to motivate the agents of the order, confides Mr. Lazare. The union also played a leading role, he adds.

had urged the police not to remain cloistered at home but to gather together in police stations. The police have understood that they have no choice and must defend the PNH infrastructure at all costs. existantes.Au In recent days the bandits have suffered setbacks at Toussaint Louverture airport, at the Central Bank, at the National Palace, at the Cimo base and in several police stations.Mr. Lazare also notes an awakening of citizens who have carried out self-defense actions. He calls for a marriage between the police and the population in order to rout the bandits. Cases of lynching, called Bois Kalé, have been reported in several communes. LLM / radio Métropole Haïti

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