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These foods fight against osteoporosis!

  • March 11, 2024
  • 3
  • 26

Verified on 03/11/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Osteoporosis affects millions of French people, but it is not inevitable. Here are some dietary ideas to counteract this bone loss. Explanations!

Calcium, number 1 on the list

L’osteoporosis touche between 2.5 and 3.5 million women in France. We mainly talk about women, but the disease sometimes also affects men.

This is not an inevitability of age, because we can fight against it by favoring a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Tobacco and alcohol should therefore be moderated, or even avoided!

This bone disease causes pain, but above all weakens the bones. The fracture then becomes very common, even if the shock is slight. Some patients simply sneezed…

To prevent this condition, it is essential to follow certain dietary guidelines.

The majority of calcium reserves are located in the bones.

No need to drink liters of milk! THE oilseed fruits such as almonds, hazelnuts, nuts of all kinds are excellent for strengthening bones and maintaining its serum calcium level (level in the blood).

THE oily fish such as sardines are also rich, as are certain vegetables such as cabbage, white beans or broccoli.

Mined wateral also increases sources of calcium intake. Doctor Ménard, specialist and author “Osteoporosis, foods to treat yourself” (ed.Grancher) specifies that “other foods like sulfates interfere with calcium absorption“.

Don’t forget vitamin D

Egg yolk, salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, herring, veal liver, lamb, are all sources of vitamin Dessential vitamin in bone metabolism and involved in calcium absorption.

Proteins are also recommended for strengthening bones. Then favor poultry, cod, lentils, tofu, beans. So, before going through the medication stage, everyone in the kitchen!

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