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Vireon news of Haiti: The bodies of 3 young men who died from the bullets of Dlma 19, bandits and guns killed directly at the Surs Sainte Marie des Anges school, the police arrested Ben, a national policeman who escaped from the national penitentiary

  • May 30, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 13

Port-au-Prince, May 30, 2024 [AlterPresse] — On Thursday, May 30, 2024, people laughed at Leona, Dèlma, 19, standing over the corpses of 3 young men, who died under bullets, without their clothes on. There is no information about the circumstances of the death of these 3 young men. But there were many gunshots, which broke out on the night of Wednesday 29 to enter Thursday 30 May 2024, in the area.

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, bandits with guns, who were on motorcycles, shot and killed Garcia Dominique Petit Papa, who is the director of the “Sœurs Sainte Marie des Anges” school. Garcia Dominique Petit Papa was in the car, in Kapwwa street, Port-au-Prince, when bandits with guns attacked him, according to information obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, the national police arrested in Benè commune, South East department, national policeman Clifton Hyppolite. At the time of the gang attack with weapons on Saturday, March 2, 2024, the national policeman Clifton Hyppolite was saved from the national penitentiary, where he was as a suspect in the murder of Jovenel Moïse on July 7, 2021, according to the police.

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, a delegation of the President’s Transitional Council (CPT) visited, in the Port-au-Prince international airport, the construction work of the multinational base that is expected to be deployed on the territory of Haiti. Kpt members saw the dormitory space, health center, cafeteria and others, where the foreign military and police will be in the coming months. This is what the president’s council for the transition announced in a note.

The United States government wishes Garry Conille, the official of the United Nations, who recently decided to become the prime minister of Haiti, to choose as soon as possible a government that people can trust, to restore security and all other important services for the population, to set up a Council Provisional election to organize elections. The United States is waiting to cooperate with the Haitian authorities to give results, thanks to the deployment of the Multinational Security Mission. It is the position of the United States government, after the decision of the Transitional Council of the President to choose the official of the United Nations, Garry Conille, as the head of the transitional government, just as it happened in 2004, 20 years ago, when they chose an official of the United Nations united, Gerard Latortue, to become the prime minister of Haiti.

Together, we will work for a better tomorrow for all the children of Haiti. It is the promise of Dr. Garry Conille, after learning that he will lead the transitional government, until February 7, 2026. It is an honor for me, that the President’s Council for the transition chose me, to lead the transitional government. I say thank you very much to all civil society organizations, political parties and members of the diaspora, because they gave my name as a candidate for the post of prime minister. This is what Garry Conille writes on his X account.

On Tuesday afternoon, May 28, 2024, Garry Conille resigned from the post of director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) for the Latin American and Caribbean region, after the Transitional President’s Council chose him as the transitional prime minister, according to the Associated Press. press reported. In a communiqué, the director general of Unicef, Catherine Russell, said that she wishes Garry Conille good results, to bring peace, hope to the children of Haiti and a normal situation without brigandáy on the territory.

Since January 2023, Dr. Garry Conille has been the director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) for the Latin American and Caribbean region. Garry Conille, who is 58 years old today, was head of government under Michel Martelly from September 5, 2011 to May 16, 2012. After an open conversation with Martelly, Conille resigned on February 24, 2012. But he forgot to wait. the installation of Laurent Lamothe, who would replace him, before officially leaving the post of prime minister on May 16, 2012.

Several organizations, political parties and other people, such as the candidate who did not go through the process to become the prime minister of the transition, applauded anyway for the decision of the President’s Council for the transition, which chose Garry Conille as the next head of the transitional government in the country of Haiti.

Garry Conille, is a person who has experience overseas and in the country. He seems to give importance to institutions, in the way he works. Conille will need to work with a sense of responsibility to achieve unity, which can make the country of Haiti take the path of light. What we are all waiting for is the result that Garry Conille will bring in the face of the great challenges that exist in the country of Haiti today. I’m waiting to see if he will be able to lead the country of Haiti in a different way, or if he will continue on the same old mess and old political practices, which left the country of Haiti in the situation it is in today. It is analysis on AlterPresse and AlterRadio political science specialist Joseph Harold Pierre. [ppsf emb rc apr 30/05/2024 13:05]