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Lyonel Trouillot | Come quickly, our profits are threatened!, cry the stateless businessmen

  • April 22, 2024
  • 8
  • 15

Today, these people or signatories who present themselves as their representatives are writing to the President of Kenya to ask him to speed up the arrival of his troops. These people know neither decency nor shame

We know and often denounce the villainies of which dishonest politicians are capable, having only enriched themselves by using state resources as their own property. We saw what they did with the public service, with institutions, with republican ethics.

But we often forget that all this was established, installed, perpetuated in complicity with people called from the “business sector”. We forget that, at major times of crisis, these so-called “business sector” people refused to participate in the implementation of national solutions. We have seen and heard people from this “business sector” blocking national solutions. We saw them, heard them when they opposed any true republican construction and sided with corrupt, illegal, illegitimate powers.

Read also: Lyonel Trouillot | The Musseau gang and its limitless indecency

Today, these people or signatories who present themselves as their representatives are writing to the President of Kenya to ask him to speed up the arrival of his troops. These people know neither decency nor shame. One of Haiti’s major problems is that the vast majority of the so-called business sector has never participated in national construction. They never wanted this common sphere of citizenship which constitutes, at least, the republican balance.

They have always been on the side of suppressing attempts to establish this sphere. Money has no smell and, if they remain full of prejudices and reproduce among cousins, they adapt and can be of all colors: mulattoes with Lescot, blacks with Duvalier, “grimo” with Martelly , re-blacks with Moses and Henry.

They never wanted this common sphere of citizenship which constitutes, at least, the republican balance.

The only visible trace of their profits is their hidden habitat in the heights. The reality, and it is time we say it out loud, is that the conditions for realizing their wealth are the conditions for realizing the poverty of the masses. Their social and economic practices, their relationship to the political sphere which is based only on corruption and predation, are anti-national practices.

Political institutions worthy of the name, transversal republican ethics, not their concern. They would be content with a colony or a governorate, as long as it allowed them to bring in money. Their vision of the economy is plunder. Their vision of politics, the pact with the highest bidder. Their vision of society, pigeons and subordinates. Their vision of the country: a place with which their only link is the profit they make from it in any way.

At best, their political discourse is to play “neutral”. Those of them who went to real schools may have read Hugo’s poem, “a good bourgeois sitting in his house” in which he rhymed neutral with cowardly. But poetry and philosophy are not designed to reach them. Philosophy exam:

—How much does it bring in?

— So much, but in what way?

— We don’t care how.

This state against the nation has proven that it can only lead to the worst. Thinking about national (re)construction implies resolutely posing one of the major problems of Haitian society. The relationship of a good number of members of the so-called business sector with this country is one of stateless businessmen.

No national construction for a country habitable by all with a minimum of equity can be done under such conditions. We can understand the call for police or even military assistance, but from the place of national construction. The appeal of “representatives” of the “business sector” has nothing to do with such a move. Translation of the blabla: our profits are threatened, come quickly. In such logic, one day they will end up asking for dogs to be sent to us.

Par Lionel Trouillot

Cover image: A man sits making a call while staring at a computer screen. | © freepik

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Poet, novelist, literary critic and screenwriter, Lyonel Trouillot studied law.

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Lyonel Trouillot