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Assassination of police officers: NEHRO denounces Franz Elb and warns Dr Garry Conille of the risks linked to the presence of former Tt Kale ministers in his cabinet

  • June 10, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 12

How many police officers would have to die to finally replace Franz Elbé at the head of the General Directorate of the National Police, asks Dr. Josue Renaud of NEHRO, the human rights organization based in Massachusetts.

A series of acts of violence continues to shake the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, underlines Mr. Renaud, noting that the consternation reached its peak with the assassination of three police officers on Sunday, at a time when, according to him, “the country finally seemed to benefit from a lull after the arrival of Garry Conille”.

Josué Renaud, expressing his deep indignation, reiterated his call for the “immediate” replacement of the Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), Mr. Franz Elbé for “incompetence”. » How many more police officers will have to lose their lives before we realize that Franz Elbé is incapable not only of protecting the population, but also of protecting his own agents? ?

According to Dr. Renaud, the inability of DG Elbé, “in disgrace since the collapse of the National Penitentiary,” to ensure the security of his own home is an alarming symptom of his inability to lead the PNH, a noble institution.

For him, it is imperative that the next government seriously considers this issue and immediately replaces Franz Elbé with a competent person capable of responding to the country’s pressing security needs, including the very active police union SINAPOHA.

At the same time, Dr. Renaud warns Dr. Garry Conille regarding the formation of his cabinet, possibly composed of at least “one former minister of Tèt Kale 3,” whose past performances and collusion with Michel Martelly have been widely criticized. “There is no question of reheating already cooled broths,” he declared, emphasizing the need for a genuine and effective renewal of national security officials.

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