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Hati: Me Carlos Hercule, new interim Prime Minister replacing Garry Conille on a trip

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
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Me Carlos Hercule in the middle and Prime Minister Garry Conille to his left |© RJA

First official trip for Garry Conille to a foreign land since taking office as Prime Minister of the Transitional Government. He left Port-au-Prince (Haiti) on the afternoon of Friday June 28, 2024, bound for Washington and New York (United States). He went there to meet officials of international financial institutions. Outside of Haiti, he chose Mr. Carlos Hercule to act as interim.

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 28, 2024._The current Minister of Justice and Public Security, Me Carlos Hercule is the new interim Prime Minister of Haiti.

He was chosen by the First Name, Garry Conille, on a trip to the United States. In fact, at the beginning of the afternoon of Friday June 28, the Head of the Transitional Government left Port-au-Prince, the Capital of Haiti to join Washington and New York in the company of several Ministers and his Director of Cabinet , Nesmy Manigat.

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Handshake and exchange of greetings between Garry Conille and Carlos Hercule | © Prime Minister

The delegation led by Garry Conille flew to the Star Republic to hold important working meetings with, among others, officials from international financial institutions.

Then, she will also make an inspection visit to the Haitian embassy in Washington.

However, no date for the return of the said delegation to Haiti has been communicated to the population.


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Le Facteur Haiti