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Here is the diet to adopt to combat the symptoms of stress and anxiety

  • May 16, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 20

Rich in fiber, antioxidants and omega-3, Mediterranean diet has many health benefits. It is particularly recognized for its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.

In a new study published in review Nutrients, researchers from the University of South Australia, in collaboration with the Sunshine Coast University, were interested in the influence of the Mediterranean diet on the stress et anxiety. As a reminder, the Mediterranean diet consists of consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and seeds. Conversely, it encourages infrequent consumption of red meats and processed foods. Dairy products and lean proteins can be eaten daily in small portions, and fish incorporated at least twice a week.

What is the impact of the Mediterranean diet on mental health?

To relieve the anxiety disordersit is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoiding the consumption of drugs and alcohol, practicing regular physical activity, eating and sleeping at scheduled times. regular… A recent study has highlighted the impact of the Mediterranean diet on the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

To carry out their study, the researchers analyzed the impact of adopting the Mediterranean diet on mental health and in particular anxiety and stress of 294 people aged 60 and over. Participants had to respond to an online questionnaire comprising 75 analysis items. This asked them, among other things, the severity of their symptoms of anxiety and stress as well as their adherence to the Mediterranean diet.

Stress, anxiety: the Mediterranean diet would be effective in reducing their symptoms

After analyzing the results, scientists discovered that participants who adopted a Mediterranean diet saw their symptoms of anxiety and stress decreaseregardless of their age, gender, IMC or the amount of sleep and exercise they got. According to Dr. Evangeline Mantzioris, dietician and lead author of the study, who spoke in a press release, “The Mediterranean diet is a major asset because with this relatively simple lifestyle change, people can significantly improve their stress and anxiety levels.”

Additionally, researchers also found that certain Mediterranean diet foods such as fruits, nuts, legumes as well as low consumption of sugary drinks (250 ml per day) reduced the severity of stress and anxiety. According to the team of researchers, “The study results should still be interpreted with caution, given the potential for selection bias when recruiting participants to an online study.”

Sources :

  • Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet Is Inversely Associated with Anxiety and Stress but Not Depression: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Community-Dwelling Older Australians – Nutrients
  • A Mediterranean diet can ease symptoms of stress and anxiety, says study – Medical Xpress
  • Anxiety disorders – World Health Organization
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Oceane Letouze