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Visiting the Kenyan base, Garry Conille promises to regain control of the country

  • June 26, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 3

This Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Prime Minister Garry Conille visited the base of Kenyan troops who had recently landed in Haiti. There, the occupant of the Prime Minister’s office reiterated his determination to bring peace to the country, controlled by armed gangs.

On this visit, Garry Conille was accompanied by his Minister of Justice, Me Carlos Hercule, senior officers of the Haitian National Police as well as the head of the Kenyan delegation, Dr. Monica Juma. Describing the presence of Kenyan officers on Haitian soil as an extraordinary act of solidarity, as part of the deployment of the Multinational Mission in support of security, Dr. Conille believes that the country is on the eve of a new beginning.

Further, he said he was counting on the commitment of Haiti’s partners in order to regain control of the country. While showing confidence in the success of this mission authorized by the United Nations, the fifty-year-old asks the Haitian people to demonstrate patience, trust and vigilance.

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