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Video | Effective techniques to take care of your eyes

  • March 18, 2024
  • 11
  • 26

Every time you use a near screen for 20 minutes, you must take 20 seconds to look at an object located at least 20 feet (6 meters) away.

Phone screens, laptops, televisions… these devices are not in play with people who misuse them at all.

Oh yes! You spend the night on the phone either watching movies, playing, or chatting. You are a professional who spends most of your time behind a screen as part of your work, your vision is threatened.

There is a light from phone screens, computers and light bulbs called blue light that can have a big impact on your eyes.

Dr. Reginald Rejouis, an eye specialist, says that blue light acts on a hormone called melatonin. When a person is using the screen with blue light, it causes him to have difficulty sleeping.

Phone screens, laptops, televisions… these devices are not in play with people who misuse them at all.

To help you with this problem, you can filter the blue light if you have a phone that provides this option or you can also see an ophthalmologist who will prescribe you glasses that filter this light.

But the screen most people use up to ten hours a day is mainly the phone screen which is what is called near vision. Looking at the phone makes the eye make a lot of accommodative effort, which means that the crystalline has to be bombarded in order to make an extra effort to be able to focus well on the image you are looking at, which will increase the risk of having asthenopia, which is a visual fatigue. .

At that time, the eye makes too much effort to converge to look at something directly in front of it and the crystal will make its own effort to focus on things that are too close to it according to eye specialist Emmanuel Samedy. In fact, our eyes rest better when we are looking at something from a distance.

Ophthalmologist Emmanuel Samedy talks about the Rule of 20, 20, 20. Every time you use a close screen for 20 minutes, you must take 20 seconds to look at an object located at least 20 feet away which is equal to 6 meters. For example, bank tellers, video editors, etc. can use the rule of thumb, which will allow the eye to rest.

In fact, our eyes rest better when we are looking at something from a distance.

There are also maykovev, smoke, contact lenses and make-up that have a great effect on people’s vision.

Many people use Maykovev every day to heat food. In the workplace, there is often one. It is also used to make popcorn, etc. However, radiation experts say that there is great danger when a person stays too close to the microwave while using it. This device can cause cataracts which itself is one of the causes of blindness. Dr. Rejouis said the part of the eye called the lens is very sensitive to any light rays. Even the sun’s rays can cause cataracts.

It is not recommended for anyone to stay near a lit microwave for long periods of time. As for the sun, Dr. Rejouis advises people not to walk under the sun without glasses to protect their eyes.

For the smoke itself, cigarette smoking gives many problems. The smoker may have cataracts, when the crystalline lens loses its transparency. The smoke settles on it. There is another eye disease that smokers can also have, it is called macular degeneration, an eye disease that people develop when they are very old. What happens when that happens, is the nicotine in the tobacco that produces what is called vasoconstriction, which means that the blood vessels become contracted, they become smaller.

As for the remote control itself, it is a great misfortune hanging over the heads of those who use it without caution. Some people wear it to make them feel better, others are prescribed by doctors not related to a well-defined eye problem that they have.

As for the sun, Dr. Rejouis advises people not to walk under the sun without glasses to protect their eyes.

Dr. Emmanuel Samedy said that due to the country’s situation where we are exposed to a lot of dust, microbes, and smoke, this is why there are not too many ophthalmologists who like to prescribe contact lenses.

If you don’t live in a safe place, don’t wear sunscreen. If the doctor does not prescribe it for you to know all the rules of its use, do not wear it. You may develop an eye disease called keratitis. Some people even lose their vision. It is not recommended that you go swimming in the pool while you have contact lenses in your eyes. Chlorine and bacteria in the water can give anyone keratitis, so you have green contact, the risk is greatly increased. The person must always keep the transmitter clean, he must neither sleep nor bathe with it.

When it comes to makeup, one must watch the expiration date of makeup products and keep them away from dust.

Very fragile eyes. It is for this reason that we must take all necessary precautions to protect our eyes. No one is advised to seek treatment on their own regardless of the eye problem the person may have.

Since the child is very young, his parents must make sure that he does not have visual disturbances to take him to see a doctor early. Since a person reaches 40 years, he is supposed to have a checkup because the eye has changes that have been made in it at that age and since the person reaches 65 years, he must not neglect his eyes at all because it is with age that cataracts occur. starting to take off according to what Dr. Rejouis said.

Laura Louis wrote an article dealing with this topic entitled: Here are some behaviors that degrade your eyesight without knowing itdo not neglect to read it on Ayibopost.com

Research, Writing and Presentation : Daphena Remedor

Achievements: Sherlande Pierre

Camera: Sherlande Pierre

Assembly: Sherlande Pierre

Supervision: Wilson Saintelus & Cherub Jerome

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Daphena Remedor